
Should I use up all my iPod battery before charging it again?

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My Dad works in construction and he said he's seen electricians holding the trigger on their drills until the battery is completely gone, before they change it for a charged one.

Is this better for the battery's life or what?

Should I do it with my iPod too?




  1. Yes you should always run a battery right down as it has a memory, which nobody understands, and needs to be done this way for maximum efficiency.

  2. yes ur dad is right it is advised that you should full flatten a battery before charging, this is because if you dont flatten a factory charged battery it often doesnt charge to full potential and can limit the charge it will hold in future, the same goes with any battery operated device especially phones pda's and media devices. be sure to over charge the battery by about 1-2 hours even though it says not to over charge in the manual, this will ensure the battery is fully charge as it will display full charged at around 80% battery charge.

  3. you're dad is smart, wearing out the battery completely before charging it helps keep the battery life in the long run way up. if it's almost dead before school, turn it on right after school, you don't have to listen to it, as long as the music, or light is on!

    hope it helped

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