
Should I visit Ecuador or Brazil?

by Guest60615  |  earlier

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Should I visit Ecuador or Brazil?




  1. I have heard they are both beautiful,but I would go to Brazil.

  2. Ecuador and Brazil are both wonderful and beautiful countries. I would personally go to Ecuador as there are many different types of cultures and also there are soo many beautiful scenaries. The people are friendly there too.

  3. You definitely want to go to Ecuador. Brazil is a nice country, but you won't be able to see what you will in Ecuador. I mean, you can go 5 hours by car and be in nice beaches, highlands or amazon jungle. There's also Galapagos Islands, a unique place in the world.

    You want to go to Quito, see the most amazing colonial places in America, go to Imbabura's handcrafts markets, to Cuenca and it's marvelous colonial town, where you will find nice jewelry and museums. Guayaquil is a nice progressive city (don't eat on the street). There are nice beaches, like Salinas, Pedernales and Tonsupa. If you like the jungle, you could go to Banos, Misahualli or Tena.

    You won't forget it. I haven't.

    I've been to Brazil too, but I tell you, I wouldn't change the sophisticated cities and places there for the very artistic ones of Ecuador.

  4. I think you should go to Brazil ...they have a really a nice culture there youll have much more fun

  5. Well, it depends on what you are looking for. I think Ecuador has many more things to see than Brasil, mainly because even if Ecuador is an small country, it has highlands, beautifull coasts and an amazonic territory, Brasil has more amazony than anything.

    I live in Ecuador and I've met many tourists, none of them has regreted their decision of coming to Ecuador. You can do some mountain climbing, surf, see animals than cannot be seen anywhere in the world, see the jungle, bath in hotsprings, all in a very small amount of time. If you decide to go to Ecuador, be sure to visit these places: Salinas(has some of the most beautifull beaches in Ecuador), Montañita(special place on the beach that looks pretty much like a hippie town, you will have some great parties here), Baños(waterfalls,hotsprings, mountain climbing, great food), Cuenca(lots of culture and history), Guayaquil and Quito(great vities with a great nightlife).

  6. I can give you the standard answer that "every country has its beauty" etc, etc but I would opt for my personal choice: Ecuador. The reason is that Ecuador is a smaller country and compared to Brazil it may be underrated as Brazil is a more popular choice, but Ecuador has many beautiful places to go. In the coast I love Guayaquil and beaches like Esmeralda and Salinas, in the highlands you have beautiful Cuenca and you also have some Amazon jungle with exotic flora and fauna. Dont get me wrong, Brazil is a wonderful country and you should visit it but my personal choice would be Ecuador right now. Besides, where else can you have one foot in each hemisphere at the same time???

  7. i'd go with Brazil

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