
Should I visit the Trinidad and Tobago Y! UK section more?

by  |  earlier

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WOW!!! My UK Trini's you see a totally different Q&A from us. Feel free to stop by the US Y! Q&A.




  1. I think so. Truthfully, I never visited their site until you mentioned it. They need a SERIOUS Posee infusion.

  2. Well that was a surprise, there doesn't seem

    to be much activity taking place in that section.

    They are definitely in need of a trini posse lime lol.

  3. if u feel like u should

  4. DO us a favour and paste the link!

  5. i never even realise it had different YA sites until allyuh talk. ah goin an macco wha goin on ova dey now now.

  6. Yeah l think so! l hope they appreciate us "storming" they section!

  7. i think Trinidad and Tobago was a most wonderful experience out there. the food, the beaches, the weather, carnival, borough day, and all those festivals. oh and the men woooo. i'll stop there.... i went out there at 14 stayed for four years. i miss it soooo much. i can't wait til september i will be most present in the

  8. i never knew bout that!

    ah goin an maco now....


    i lost...  :(


    thanks hotta, but i confused..

    how come this question over there aswell?

    with all our answers too, but nothing else?



    yea hotta that make sense...

  9. hmm, didnt know it existed, going and macco now lol.


    WOW!!! i feel we need to organise ah lime there probably once ah month.  just to liven up d place ah lil bit.

    Imagine Daisy is best answerer with 12 best answers for the section looooooooooooooooooooooooool.

    since TS sticking lemme link allyuh:;_ylt=At...


    i am presuming that this is the main page so that all the questions asked for all the other Y! Area ie Canada, India, Uk etc are all filtered unto this page, but not the other way around. so when we answer questions it could have come from any of the other area.

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