
Should I vote for Obama or Mcaine?

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I am sooo puzzled on who I am going to vote for this year. Some of my friends say I should go for Obama because he will make our economy better, but others say that Mcaine is better because he makes us look more "tough" by staying in the war. Who is the better guy for president?




  1. That's something you need to decide for yourself. It wouldn't be very wise to vote for someone just because someone else tells you it's a good idea. Just research both candidates and listen to their speeches!

  2. If you think Obama is a benefit to the economy, please stay with Obama. You are just too uneducated to matter.  

  3. obama...he wasn't born a white man but despite that he became a student at Harvard and a patron of the working class,

    It is simple if you are a struggling working person like me you will vote Obama

    If you are a richy rich guy you vote McCain  

  4. Don't vote for Mccain or you will get what we had the last 8 years and a possibility that Palin will become President.

  5. as an Independent i'm leaning towards Mccain right now. only because Obama doesnt really have the history of 'reform change' that he touts. specially in chicago.  and Obama says he'll cut taxes for 97% of mid income? how can he do that and pay for everything he wants to do.  which means he'll end up raising taxes.  

  6. Read each of their platforms, Then you will have a better idea.   Myself, I wil vote McCain, he will stand up for all Americans.

    and to the ones above me in line here, obama will help himself to the workers tax money, how does that help the workers?

  7. Go educate yourself on Ron Paul, before you do anything stupid.

  8. Think about it do you want to have a teacher who seems tough or someone who improves education and makes a different McCain has no idea how to help vote for Obama at least he's trying to work on healthcare and issues that effect us rather than continuing to throw billions into war for no reason

  9. Raising your taxes does not make the economy better!  It slows it down and takes money from working americans and puts it in the hands of government beurocrats who waste it!

    Got change?

    Better hide it before Obama takes it!

  10. Ultimatly you should decide. But I support Senator McCain, not because he will make us look strong, but if you go back and look at his record, he makes the right descisions without hesitation.

    Your friends are also wrong about Obama fixing our economy. He is for increasing our taxes, McCain is for lowering our taxes.

    Like I said, you should make the choice.

  11. You need to decide for yourself.  Do some research and make up your own mind.  Do not listen to other people until you have a firm foundation.  That is the biggest mistake that people make.  Once you figure it out for yourself, then you can get into the fun of politics and go back and fourth with your friends.  You will come to know who you are and be more self assured once you find out why you believe the things you do.

  12. Umm first of all, it's McCain

    but don't go for him unless you want to become pregnant by rape and then have to give birth to the child.

    And then of course, if McCain dies of cancer (which he has had before but I am not wishing upon him), Palin as president?

    Excuse my french, but h**l no!

  13. Obama if you want to see the country collapse

  14. If you want change, then choose Obama. McCain is just another bush. If you want more death, and to stay in this recession, then choose McCain. Republicans had their chance, give the democrats a chance.

  15. The easy answer is Obama. There, its settled.  

  16. Obama will actually bring MONEY out of the stupid-*** war by bringing our poor troops home, and he'll put it into the ECONOMY and BETTER SCHOOLS without raising our taxes. That is why we need Obama, because he has a better, safer plan for our country

  17. Obama

  18. Barack Obama will raise taxes which will not strengthen the economy.

    McCain will allow people to keep more of their own money which they will then put back into the economy.

    It is never wise to tax a people when the economy is low, when prices are so high, and the housing market is poor.

    Obama wants to increase ethanol, which has helped to raise the prices of food, and  this in addition to high oil prices which have raised prices for all consumer products made with petroleum and all products that are delivered using gasoline vehicles.

    He also wants to tax the oil companies more than they already are which will also increase gas prices, and increase inflation across the board since our economy is not a vaccuum where one part is isolated. Oil prices affects product prices, production costs, food prices because food must be transported and with higher transportation costs, the manufacturers need to pass that cost to the consumer or else stop producing the products or providing services, etc etc.

    Obama wants to give 300 billion dollars of taxpayers money to the U.N. and where will he get taxing us.

    He will force the housing market to remain weak by doubling the capitol gains tax which is imposed upon people who sell their homes within 2 years of purchase.

    He will tax married couples more.

    He will tax corporations, business/the rich more.

    He says this will not affect low and middle income earners, yet if you tax the rich, who are the business owners, and the employers for every single american worker, and tax the rich who provide all the goods and services we use daily, then of course everyone will be affected. It will be an increase in taxation for every single person living in America.

    John McCain will reduce taxes because the only way to stimulate an economy is to put money back into citizens hands. He is for cutting back on earmark and pork barrel spending and has a long record of standing against frivolous spending in washington.

    If the economy is important to you then this is where it stands.

    If national security is important to you...

    Obama will reduce the size of our military by cutting defense spending. He wants open borders which will reduce our ability to defend against infiltration by terrorists. He is pushing for amnesty for illegal immmigrants which insults the very character of those millions of legal immigrants who have waited patiently and applied through official channels to become citizens the right way. Of course this wave of illegal immigration includes those from terrorist sponsoring nations who use this method to gain entry into our country without notice. He wants to pull all troops out of Iraq and allow the United States to lose a war, when we are so close to full victory. After all the Iraqi government has already been negotiating with the U.S. to determine a time when the troops will go home, because we have actually accomplised so much that the Iraqi government is finally beginning to feel confident in it's own abilities. Obama wants to turn his back on all the progress and all the lives that have been lost in order to get this far, because it is politically expedient to do so. Because his party has always been against victory in Iraq bcause victory would actually help President Bush politically.

    Barack Obma has no military experience, and has no executive experience, and has no leadership experience whatsoever. He cannot be the Commander in Cheif of our military and b responsible for the security of this country. He does not have the qualifications.

    John McCain is a soldier. He knows when to be strong, and how wars are won if they need to be fought. It is no longer an opiton to say it was wrong to go into Iraq, we "are" in Iraq and the only responsible thing to do now is win and bring our troops home, and then help Iraq t become a strong ally, as every country we have defeated in war has eventually become.

    McCain will be a strong leader in the face of threats from Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, and potentially Pakistan if their next president is not as friendly to the U.S. as Musharraf.

    Most of all, find out for yourself...check to see if what any on Y.A. say is true. Be informed. By all means do not just go to mainstream media news sites. Go to government fact check sites, on the issues, and other government sites that have recorded the voting history and political achievments of each candidate.

    Take Care and good hunting.

  19. Put it this way, if you like paying taxes to the government and reducing your economic/financial rights, vote Obama.  If you believe in having more control over your own money, vote McCain.

  20. That is something no one can tell you.

    However these are my reasons for voting for Obama.  I listened to the early debates and found that he agreed with what I think about the Economy and other issues.  I am a fiscal conservative and social liberal.  So I am a registered Democrat who crosses lines.

    The more I read and heard and watched how he handled himself the more it reminded me of when we had leaders who were really serious about governing the Country.  That is pre Reagan irregardless of Political Party.  Each has vastly different things to contribute but they had plans and goals beyond no new taxes even if we borrow ourselves into very deep financial waters.

    My sons are both scientists and McCain and Palin both seem to ridicule science and support religion.  That is not a good position since we as a nation are falling behind in the Sciences.

    The Rick Renzi scandal brought back echoes of the the Keating 5 scandal and these are very serious offenses.  Congressman Renzi is under multiple indictments is from Arizona.  He was one of McCain's Campaign Chairs.

    I think McCain is losing ground in his thinking. He does not process things as he used to and at his age that concerns me.  He does not know how many houses he has. He had to be corrrected by Lieberman in Israel on Sunni and Shittee and he did not know if Renzi were still his campaign Chair.

    Everyone makes mistakes ifs a gruelling and exhausting experience to campaign but the number of times and the kind of mistakes has started to really worry me.  As does this last minute selection of Palin. Why?  I cannot imagine the two of them working together at all.  

    So that is about it  I prefer sticking to real concerns and real issues as I see them.  But I am not you and you need to check out their policies look at who you think is really prepared and do vote.

    Good luck

  21. Obama. He wants to end the war. Simply keeping the war ongoing to make America "look tough" is a stupid reason to put men's lives on the line. It doesn't make America look tough, it makes America look like a bully. What do they have to prove by sending men out to be killed? "We don't care if people are dyeing, as long as we look 'tough' "

    Is that really the message America want's to be sending out?

  22. Look...I'm biased...

    some advice...

    be realistic, be reasonable, and don't be afraid to ask hard questions...

  23. neither, vote for Ron Paul

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