
Should I wait for her!?

by  |  earlier

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I know this cute girl and she has not dated in a while, she tell's me not to rush things, but we been talking for about 3 weeks and I really would like for her to be my girl




  1. don't rush things listen to the girl wait for her cuz if you be bossy she won't wanna be with you girls like being with understanding and communicating guys and be completly honest  

  2. go for it hint to her and then maybe ask her. don't wait too long it's a mistake i made and i'm in need of help right now...maybe you can help me;...

  3. no find someone else for a while wait for her to tell you she is ready

  4. i believe that if you truly like this girl, you will wait. there is no telling how long you could wait for; but if you really like her, it's totally worth waiting, right? in reality, three weeks isn't really that long of a time although, it's a great start. continue talking to her and listen to her advice in not rushing things. when you try to rush things, it could push her away and i'm sure that's not what you want. just take things easy. show that you're always there for her as a friend before/if you become anything else. i'm going to stress that it's important that you take it slow, especially because she requested it. don't get too caught up in liking her. you have to respect what she wants for herself. you both can bond over the next days, weeks, months; it will only make your relationship stronger as a friend and as a boyfriend if that's what she makes you in the future. good luck. have fun. be careful. take it slow. :]

  5. Be her friend.

    If she's not ready to date, fine.  If you really care about her, and enjoy her company, become her friend.

    I am engaged to the man that I was friends with for a long while before we started dating.  He's my soul mate.

    If you really care about her, wait, and be her friend.

  6. don't s***w it up.  Just wait.

  7. If she's telling you not to rush it, maybe she isn't interested right now.  Just give her some more time to get to know you so you can both make the right choice.

  8. wait for her. it sounds like you really like her.

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