
Should I wait for the "roommate"?

by  |  earlier

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This person and I have decided to become roommates. We looked for a place once and we liked this one apartment. But it wasn't available at the time so we put our names on the waitlist. Supposedly, it will be available in a couple of weeks.

So we went home and agreed that we should search more. Then a week went by. I called the roommate but didn't pick up the phone. So I left a message 2 days ago but still no reply. Then, I emailed the person last night and still no reply. I know the person must've checked their email (or at least been online) because they logged onto their myspace. This is not the first time it's taken a while to get a reply back and I almost thought about calling it quits with this person.

A couple of days ago, I found a nice place but only has one room available. Should I still wait for the person? I know it's kind of mean to just break this off but I think I've done everything I can to contact the person.




  1. Take the one-room.  You won't have to deal with a roommate.  Plus, he/she should have stayed in contact with you the whole time if he/she was interested.    Don't even bother talking to them any more about the matter.  Just make sure your name is off the wait list at the other apartment complex.

    This is probably a sign of things to come... such as them failing to pay you if only your name can be on the cable or electric bill... and things of that nature.  Be happy you found a place by yourself.

  2. Just get your one room apartment, sometimes it best to have your own place. It wouldn't be mean because you have tried constantly in several ways to contact the person, so go ahead and get your place. If the person was serious, the person would have been contacting you.

  3. I would just email them (since they don't pick up the phone) and tell them you've tried to contact them and got no reply so you've found a one-bedroom for yourself.  Think about it this way, if this person has a hard time getting back to you in a speedy manner, how are they going to be when it comes to getting you the money to pay the bills?  They don't sound like an ideal person to room with.  Living by yourself is so much more peaceful and you only need to depend on yourself.

  4. I would not go any further with having this person as your roommate.  They are already showing a red flag.

    If you can, get the place on your own.

    Send an email to that person of what you have decided to do.

    Also, call and leave them a message and again, tell them what you are going to do.

    The end.

  5. They were just wishing how they enter the house from being just assigned as Roommates.

  6. No dont wait for him

  7. No...they are giving you the old "brush-off"....besides it sounds like the person is a real douche-bag....

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