
Should I wait or just go to the ER now?

by  |  earlier

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I know it sounds stupid, but I really would like some advice for this. I was pooping earlier *sorry for the graphicness* and when I went to wipe, since youre supposed to wipe front to back, I just reached far enough to wipe front to back, and when I checked the tissue * I always do* there was a little spot of pink blood. Im 16 full weeks pregnant, and have had cramping and hot flashes throught the pregnancy so far. I felt like absolute c**p yesterday, and now the spotting earlier today. The thing is, I dont know if the bleeding came from my area or if it came from a hemmoroid I didnt know about *I dont know if thats possible to not know about a hemmoroid* so I just put a panty liner on to see if I was still spotting, and nothing yet, its been about 30 min since I saw the first sign of spotting. Should I wait until my in laws are home and tell them then, should I not tell them so they dont worry and just sit and relax for a while and see if it stops, or should I call them now and just go straight to the ER? Nice comments and answers are appreciated, and mean ones will be disregarded. : D




  1. I wouldn't go to the ER. Keep checking it throughout the day, but if you don't notice anymore I'm sure it's fine. You probably just took a big p**p. ;-)

  2. it is always better to be safe than sorry. just call a doc and see what they have to say first.

  3. it's just hemorrhoids. even if you don't feel them on the outside, you can still have them just on the inside. it is nothing to worry about, and very common during pregnancy.

    eat more fiber, drink lots of water, and don't push too hard when going to the bathroom. get yourself some tucks medicated pads, just in case they get worse.

    if you are really worried, you can call your doctor and see what he/she suggests. there is no reason to run off to the hospital though.

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