
Should I wait to get a tattoo...?

by  |  earlier

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...on my side going on part of my stomach, cuz I want to have a baby and I'm not sure if it would stretch out and look terrible after.




  1. You could wait or do it now. It all depends on how you are during the pregnancy like if you don't gain more weight than you need to and if you're good about getting back into shape afterwards. Stretchmarks could also ruin your tattoo, but not all women get them. It's your decision, but it's hard to answer since every woman's body is different.  

  2. yes i think you should wait because if it stretches up it really wont look good

    also some people after they have children they still have a lttle extra weight

    i say wait and have children first then if you need to tone your body afterwards do so then after that get your tattoo

  3. I'd wait Why risk the chance of it looking terrible after the baby is born Besides once you have your baby you might want to do a tattoo representing him or her

  4. I think that you should find an older experienced tattooist, and ask him/her for their thoughts about it. Also, you should do some research, so that you can make an informed decision. You should also, look to your female relatives, - mother, aunt, sister, - to see how their bodies aged and what their midsection's look like after pregnancies - you may have tendencies this way or that because of your heritage. Also, how you take care of yourself too.

    After you gain more knowledge, think about how much you'd like to have the tattoo, and where on the stomach would be affected, and can you alter your design or should you put it off and get something else in the mean time.

    Here is some info. for you:

    good luck with your decisions.

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