
Should I wait to get my tattoo after I have lost some weight? If I get it now &lose 25-35lbs will it look bad?

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Should I wait to get my tattoo after I have lost some weight? If I get it now &lose 25-35lbs will it look bad?




  1. You should definitely wait Because if you plan on losing 25-35 lbs There will be some loose skin and your tattoo will look horrible The skin doesnt always stretch back It just depends on your genes Because some peoples skin will tighten after they lose the weight So dont take any chances I dont think youd want your tattoo to look like c**p because of this If you absolutely must have a tattoo and cant wait Then get it in a spot where your weight wont be lost at all or much Such as the back of your neck On your ankle Possibly even on your lower back Basically anywhere you wont have to worry about the excess skin (If there is any) If you dont want a tattoo in any of these spots Then i would suggest that you just wait till you lose the lbs Good luck on the weight loss But please dont do any dramatic dieting techniques You dont want to become unhealthy or sick Just stick to none greasy foods for a while But i know if i did a diet I wouldnt be able to stay completely away from junk food I dont do well with diets So i just play sports that i like and i eat lots of fruit Thats probably the only healthy food i eat Anyways let me know how things work out

  2. You should definitely wait Because if you plan on losing 25-35 lbs There will be some loose skin and your tattoo will look horrible The skin doesnt always stretch back It just depends on your genes Because some peoples skin will tighten after they lose the weight So dont take any chances I dont think youd want your tattoo to look like c**p because of this If you absolutely must have a tattoo and cant wait Then get it in a spot where your weight wont be lost at all or much Such as the back of your neck On your ankle Possibly even on your lower back Basically anywhere you wont have to worry about the excess skin (If there is any) If you dont want a tattoo in any of these spots Then i would suggest that you just wait till you lose the lbs Good luck on the weight loss But please dont do any dramatic dieting techniques You dont want to become unhealthy or sick Just stick to none greasy foods for a while But i know if i did a diet I wouldnt be able to stay completely away from junk food I dont do well with diets So i just play sports that i like and i eat lots of fruit

  3. depends on where you are getting it i got a lower back tattoo and ive lost 40 pounds since it hasnt changed at all.

  4. It depends where you're planning it; if you're having it on your stomach, legs or upper arms, definatley wait as these are the areas you'll lose weight from, then you risk it looking bad. You can go for an area like your back, shoulders, wrist, ankle, of feet because these wont change.

      If you talk to any good tattoo artist they will say if it's a good place or not, if you intend to lose weight. You could always use the tattoo as an incentive, so when you reach a certain weight the tattoo is your prize!

  5. It really depends on where you get the tattoo. I have one on my upper arm and the only thing it did was drop a little lower on my arm, but the picture stayed the same. If you get one where the skin is going to loosen with the weight loss, I would wait until you've gotten to your goal weight.

  6. it depends where youre having the tattoo, upper shoulders/feet/wrists, areas like that shouldn't be affected that much, however stomach/thigh tattoos would be highly affected. Just think about placement, and how much weight you'd lose in that area.

  7. Depends on where you are getting it done.

    I had one on my arm and one on the back of my shoulder.  5 years later I lost about 100lbs and they look the same.  

    Someone wrote it depends on your genes and something about the skin.  This is true.  It really depends on where you are getting it.

    If you plan on just loosing weight by dieting and not exercising or toning (weights - light), then really wait on getting a tat done.

  8. yes you should wait...think of a balloon with print on it...then take off the air inside...check again the prints on it...thats what might happen on your tattoo.

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