
Should I wait to have a baby?

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I am 30 years old, and living with my parents because I've gone back to college. I am waiting because I am in debt with student loans and I have 3 years left of school (yeah, it's a long program!)...but I've been in a committed relationship for 11 years and (as I said already), I'm 30! I don't think it's a good time to have a baby, but I've wanted one forever and whenever I mention it to someone they say "you should just go ahead!" My mom has said they'd be happy to help if it happened...




  1. You shouldn't feel like your time is running out! 30 is actually not to bad. My mother-in-law had a baby around the same time I did and shes 44!! Take your time. Your never gonna be 100% ready. No one ever is. Just do it when it feels right to you. Or maybe just decide not to prevent it any longer and see where it takes you.

  2. I think it would be best if you waited to finish school and paid off your debt to have a baby. Though they're little blessings, they're really expensive...and they need a lot of attention. Not from your parents, but from its mom and dad.

  3. Tough! But I think you should try and finish your school first, bc it would be really hard to finish with a newborn, and maybe the desire of finishing won't be your main focus anymore.  By 33 you should hopefully be finished with your school, and be more independent. Lot's off ppl have kids at 33. Try everything you can to save and pay off some debts now. BUDGET ALOT! Before you want to try and bring your child into the world.  You don't want your child to have to financially struggle with you. Get it cleared now, so you won't have the extra stress and tension. A child itself is a whole other life.

  4. Try to avoid staring at the pregnant women and get your focus on school, graduation, paying your own bills and becoming independent.  You are in no position to be thinking about bringing another life into this world until you have yours under control.  Enjoy the time to finish school (which you may not do after having a child) and begin your career.  Find fulfillment in your own life, so that you can bring richness to another life.  Thirty is not old for having children these days.  I work with a women who had her first at forty and two more since then.  She says that she is so glad that she waited until she had a great career, husband, home and a real life -independent of a baby.

  5. If you had left off your age, I think you would have gotten nothing but negative comments. People would assume that since you're in school and live with your parents that you would be in your early 20's, and you would be criticized for even CONSIDERING having a child.

    When I read questions like that, everyone always tells the asker to 'WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE STABLE' and 'WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE MARRIED.'

    If you are so close to the end of school, I think you should wait for graduation and moving out.

    Take the same advice that people give to twenty-somethings in your same situation and use a condom.

  6. You really should wait until you are done with school, living on your own or with your partner and can take care of yourself.

  7. In my opinion I believe you should wait because then you will be able to financially take care of the baby,  of course your mother would love a grand child,  my mother first was so happy that my sister gave her a grand child.  Tell your mother that you love her and her support to take care of the baby, but overall, it is YOUR baby and you would wish to take care of him financially.  I hope this helps, this is just my opinion.  Good luck!

  8. Go for it.  It will take you a litle while to get pregnant, then 9 months til you  have the baby so by the time the baby comes, you will only have 18-24 months of school left.  You don't want to wait too long.  Also, you never know, you might have trouble getting pregnant, and you only have so much time.   You have family support and are in a committed relationship and well on your way to finishing your education.  Good luck.

  9. It is always a good idea to have help when having a baby its a life saver.but help and someone pretty much raising your baby for you is two different things. Do you really want to have a baby that you hardly ever get to spend time with and that someone else is raising?

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