
Should I wait until my son gets older?

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I really want to try for a baby girl, my son just turned two years old, he is very attached to his father and I. Is he going to feel left out if we start planning for another child?




  1. i think it would be fine but i would sit down with him and try to tell when u become pregnet that there is going to be a little sister\brother in the familey and that he will be the big brother, maybe he will get excited and wont feel left out.

  2. well a freind of mine had the same delemma and she decided to have her children close together so that she could get the it all done at once. she said it was easier that waiting till her kid was like 5 or 6 and have to do it all over again

  3. I think the age gap is ok for you to have a baby girl. It's how you assure him when your girl is out which I don't think you should worry now but rather to start trying now.

  4. I personally think that children should all be close in age. That could be because I know that my brother, sister and I were all born within 15 months of eachother and are very close, while I have seen people who have strained relationships with thier siblings with large age gaps. If you feel that it is time for another baby, include your son in preparing for the baby. Let him pick out outfits, toys, and things for the baby. Let him go with you to the ultrasounds so he can see his little sister/brother before he is born. When you have the baby, let him help with the feedings and hold the baby. Continue to do things with him that make him feel loved and special and you will do just fine.

  5. Wonderful question. Childern do often get a little attached to their parents, even more when the are the only child.

    I recommend to wait until your son is at least 5. If you wait that long, he will become more mature. And in those 3 years, teach him to be more independent. Good luck, and please enjoy these short years with you baby boy.


                                          God Bless your family


  6. no, not if you show him the love and affection he needs, be sure to tell him when you are pregnant, but not too early in your pregnancy, and let him help with things, like the nursery, and remind him you have enough love for both of them.

    hope this helps

  7. I don't think he will. I think that if you have a little girl he will probably love to play with her. I  was 3 when my brother was born and i loved it when i got to hold him, it didn't make me feel left out.

  8. The best thing I ever did for my daughter was to have another baby.  I feel that we can do all we can for our children, but who will they have when we are gone.  I am so glad my girls have each other.  My daughter was 2 3/4 when her sister was born.

  9. Your son will probably feel a little left out when you and your husband have another baby. This is normal for all children. Once the baby comes, your son will enjoy playing with his brother or sister. It is also better to have children close in age like that because they will get along better.

    good luck!

  10. yes because he might think that you dont care about him because you are always with the baby girl it happened to me when my brother was born

  11. well i dont have children yet but this is how i see it...

    he might and will probably feel a little left out for a while cause he will need to get used to it eventually...

    but in the long wrong he is going to have someone growing up with and sharing wonderful moments.

    20 years from they will be looking back at all the things they did together to have fun, get in trouble, and so on...

    As oppose to waiting several more years. its going to be different for everyone but not in a bad way u know...

    say he is 10 and then decide that u want to have a 15 ur son is going to be into other things and it wont be the same momentos as if they were growing up together...

    I hope i wasnt to confusing... but that just the way i see it

  12. Nope, he will adjust just fine, and the sooner the better in my experience.

  13. He is only going to feel that way if you don't include him 2 years apart are perfect!! My daughter and my son are two years apart and they are best friends. I was very scared that we would have the same problems but we didn't. I made sure to include her on everything. She rubbed cocoa butter lotion on my stomach every night. We read books to my pregnant belly every night. She helped pick out all the baby stuff and clothes. Then when my son was born she sang to him while I nursed, she rubbed his back while laying him down for naps. She helped get the diaper and wipes for diaper changes. I included her with every aspect and it has paid off!!Good luck!!

  14. By the time you have another baby provided you get pregnant right away, your child will be a year older and they change so much in a year. The two will be playmates which would be great!

    You need to do what you feel comfortable with and what is right for your family. I am glad I waited until my son  was older before trying because it fit my needs and my stress level in dealing with a tantrum toddler.  Other friends had their kids one after another and were just fine with it. You will make the right decision, just follow your heart. Kids are tough, its us adults who are the wimps and think too much! ( :

  15. Well I believe having your children all close together [age-wise] actually brings them closer.

    He's going to feel left out regardless, just make sure he still gets plenty of attention, mostly from his father while you go through the hard stages of a newborn then when he's a little easier to manage it all work out.

    Hope it helps :)

  16. I don't think it should be a problem.

  17. They will feel left out, slightly. We have one on the way with two other little boys (1 and 2 years) and we've accepted the fact that their everyday life will be changed a bit.

    Think about it- an infant requires breastfeeding every two hours, constant attention, and once you're done with that, you'll want as much rest as you can get. Sure, it will be difficult. But there's also several things that can help you out in this situation.

    Thankfully, with their father and I being around there will always be someone who should be able to play with the boys and give them a little attention.

    And Joseph (our two year old) is very excited about helping me and daddy take care of his baby sister or brother. Keep them involved with the addition to the family, and try keep one parent available to spend time with your little boy. He'll adapt and enjoy being a big brother!

    Best of luck!

  18. Your son being attached to you and the father is a good thing. I wouldn't think he'll feel left out if you both are planning for another child. It would give your son someone to play with at times and also the bond of them growing up could be really strong. When and if you do plan this, make sure both have their equal time with the parents. =]

    That's the best I can give, I'm only 18. Best of luck with everything and I know everything will come out good.

  19. From experience, having to many years in between is hard. There is four years between all mine, so when one was 8, I was having my last one. We could never really do much, because one was too old for something when the other was to young. Include your child with everything from the start (except the sexual part, of course) and make him feel like he has a part in it. Older or younger, they all adjust if they are part of a family.

  20. my daughter just turned 2 in may, and my husband and I are battling the same question! However we decided that we are going to wait until next year, she is just learning to potty train  and really improving her language so we thought that we should devote our time to get her through these hurdles and then go for it! I would like her to be a little more self dependent than she is right now! I think she will be better able to understand what is happening when she is closer to being 3! I think our daughter would be okay with another baby around but I just want to give her a little more of our undivded time, she is a blast right now and we have been taking her everywhere with us! Good luck to you in what you decide!

  21. yes he may feel left out but if that's what you want it is your right

  22. Having a new member of the family might be just what he needs to start gaining some independence.

    I'm in my final year of studying a psychology degree and a lot of research indicates that young children need a lot of similar-age social interaction (be it with friends or siblings) when growing up to best develop their social, emotional and intellectual skills. So as an amateur psychologist I'd say yes, go for it.

    It's not a decision to take lightly though. Make sure you can afford to provide for a new child, both financially and emotionally.

    On another note, my siblings and I were all born close together (approx 2 years between us all) and we were all very close growing up and had a very happy childhood.

    Hope this helps :)

  23. It's up to you and your husband to make sure he's not left out. Two years is a good time to start trying for another one. My first two children are 23 months apart. I thought it was crazy at the time but I'm glad they are so close together now. My son just turned 2 and we are about to start trying for our 4th child to make sure that they are close in age. My daughters are 13 and 15 so I want my son to have a sibling close to his age as well.

  24. no goahead have one now.

  25. maybe a little, but just dont forget about him, and plus once you have another, he will have someone to play with and he will feel like a helper.

  26. I have a 2 year 8 month old son and I am expecting a baby girl any day now. I know it will be tough for him at first because he has been the center of our Universe for so long, but we have been telling him all about the baby and explaining to him that she will be here very soon.  He seems excited to meet her, and when we are around friends' babies he seems excited. I am sure that given some time, he will adjust very well, and he will have a little sister to play with!

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