
Should I wake my toddler up? She is sleeping later than usual lately.?

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My 14 mth old used to wake up around 8:00 am. However, lately she's been sleeping past this time. Should I wake her up or let her sleep? I'm wondering about this because then her nap schedule will be thrown off. (She's a good, consistent napper: one from 10:30/11:00 - 12:30 and one from 3:30/4:00-5:30.) I realize that toddlers make a transition to one nap a day (usually a long stretch mid-afternoon), so is this how the transition starts -- with more sleep garnered in the early morning?

Thoughts and suggestions welcomed! :)




  1. That's exactly how my daughter dropped her nap a couple of months ago(she's 19 months now). Let her sleep in, and move her afternoon nap forward, dropping the morning nap. She should go down fairly early as well. My brat sleeps from anywhere between 730 and 830 pm(depends on how tired and grumpy she is) and sleeps until 930 or 10 am.(let me say I love sleeping in again! lol) She gets her nap between 12 and 1 and sometimes sleeps for an hour, or sometimes I have to wake her at 430 so she'll sleep at night. They do a lot of growing, and sleeping, lol. Good luck!

  2. Heck, I'd let her sleep, and count my blessings! One morning of sleeping won't wreck her pattern. Sometimes they're just pooped from activities the day before, or maybe she's getting sick or something. Maybe she's feeling cozy, and doesn't want to rise and shine yet! Whatever the case, she'll probably be up soon. My daughter usually wakes up by 7am, and she's still sleeping, too (it's 8:14)! Maybe the stars aligned perfectly last night! Lol!

  3. My daughter just turned two, and she sleeps anywhere from 10 hours a night to 13 hours. She still naps regular ( one 3- hour nap mid-day) I wouldn't try to wake her ever. I think they sleep when and however long they need to. At this age, the more sleep they get, the better. It helps their brain function and  growth. I only wake my daughter when neccessary, like if she has a doc appt in the morning.

  4. They start it by sleeping more at night and less during the day, that helps work them towards the one nap a day which happens around 18 months.

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