
Should I watch the news?

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I was recently talking to my aunt, and she said how she doesn't watch the news because everything is so depressing. I watch the news everyday..and I'm starting to think maybe I should cut down on watching it. I love knowing whats going on in the world..but it's SO sad. what'd you think?!




  1. Sure.

    Why not?

    Without the news.

    How can one know what went wrong out there?

    While demonstrating in the street under the hot sun without a solution.

    Sometime even just come up with only petition without a solution.

    In short-changing, conning and deceiving little children with self lack of knowledge.

    Do not even know what went wrong out there.

    Luke 8.10, 17

    What do you think?

  2. Yes i think everyone should watch the news to find out about whats going on in the world and anything about anybody that you can help out when there in need.

  3. just dont get obsessed but i say watch it once a day or read paper that way its not over dramatized

  4. Yes, watch the news.

    It tells you what is going on, and you need to know.

  5. Watch keeps you informed....

  6. Your aunt is hiding her head in the sand.

    There was a famous quote that said "News is supposed to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."

    Watch, but consider the sources.

  7. TV news exists to attract a crowd so they can sell that captive audience some more stuff. It's a commercial operation. The broadcast outlets no longer have the large numbers of foreign bureaus that they had decades ago. The cable TV operations engage in verbal fist fights on camera because they can't seem to find enough news to fill the time allotted.

    So, you don't find out what is going in the world by watching commercial TV news operations in the U.S. That fact is even more evident in local TV news operations whose credo is: "If it bleeds it leads".

    Right now I'm listening to Asia Pacific Report on Radio Australia, downloaded as a podcast onto my computer. In a little less than an hour I'll be listening to Russia. The link below is a searchable site that will connect you with the English language short wave services of various countries throughout the world. Many of them now do podcasts or other live streaming broadcasts and on demand audio.  Short wave radio has been my chief source of electronic news since 1949.

  8. She is right, the talking heads love a good train wreck or plane crash.

    And all the networks put their own "spin" on everything.

  9. Absolutely. But don't just watch one news show. Watch liberal news channels and Fox...Bill O'Reilly, Hannity and Kolms. You have to decipher between which is telling half truths, lieing or not telling the whole story and those that are fair and balanced. Liberal media has an agenda and generally reports only what they want you to hear.

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