
Should I wax my Burton Vapor 2008?

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The 2008 Burton Vapor come with a sintered N20 WFO base, and i am wondering that if i were to wax it, would the base get damaged at all, or would it stay good. Should i even wax it? thanks




  1. bring it to your local store they're like 10 bucks for a wax. if your confident you can wax a board which is simple btw. idk how long you've used it or how many times so i cant judge if it needs a wax.

  2. there are different kinds of wax for different (snow) should wax your board to fit the conditions...i ride about 80-100 days per year and wax about once every two weeks...wax=fast=fun!!!!

  3. depending on how much you ride is how often you wax it...i wax mine every couple of days then maybe a little rub on before i go riding if the conditions are slow but really you should just wait till you feel it sticking. it shouldnt feel sticky at all so if you feel a stick then wax it

  4. end of the season or if you jib

  5. yes it should be waxed

  6. Any deck should be waxed.  And any deck will be damaged eventually if you ride it the way it was meant to be ridden.

    Wax it.  Leave on a thick coat for the summer then just take off the extra before the next time you ride.  The thick coat keeps your base from getting dried out and will give it some degree of protection.

  7. wax it. you can prob feel when it should be waxed. i only wax mine 5 or 6 times a season..

  8. Definetly, all boards need to be waxed every once in a while. If you're worried about personally damaging it then take it into a shop, its not too pricey. I dont wax mine often enough for sure, but every couple weeks, depending on how much you ride. Good luck, have fun, and for sure your board will "stay good"

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