
Should I wax my mustache?

by  |  earlier

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I hate this thing... seriously... here's a pic.

Not options:

1. Shaving - Mustache is still noticeable, can't do it daily or I get ingrown hairs and cuts and zits etc.

2. Electrolysis/Laser - Too d**n expensive.

3. Tweezing - Haha!




  1. shave it, duh! i hate facial hair.

    have a good day. (:

  2. honestly, being male, your facial hair is thick, and it will HURT getting it waxed. you will have to keep up with the waxing every 6 weeks or so, and eventually your hair could stop growing there. i know that may seem like a good idea now, but what if in the future you would like to have a moustache again?

    i know you said shaving is not an option, but most males have to shave their facial hair every couple of days because they have the same problem.

    you COULD technically wax it, if you really would like to. but i seriously don't recommend it.

  3. yeah, just do it.

  4. Yes you should.  

    But I think you should also wax off your beard and eyebrows. Also, get a haircut off the sides and back and only trim the top.  

  5. Waxing that little thing won't do a bit of a matter of fact, I've waxed mine before (mine's a bushy mess), and it makes it nasty.Ugh. Don't know what you're trying to accomplish, but it needs to grow out more if you are considering wax.

  6. Eww. Yes do it.

  7. It would hurt, but if you want yea. It's cheap too :)

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