
Should I wax the hairs on my face?

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How do you get rid of the hairs on your cheek? I already used a depilatory cream around my sideburns and cheeks but it made me break out. Plus the when i touched my face it the hairs felt a bit coarser. Should i wax the hair? and if you do...what's the best brand. I'm middle eastern and i have black hair and lighter skin, so the hair on my face is very noticable.




  1. Bleach it!

  2. yeah you should

    no guy like facial hair

  3. Dont wax. Use Veet hair removal cream. Thats what i use and it works wonders and as a bonus it doesnt create stubble or anything. I love it!  

  4. I wouldn't dude. No offense, but that would probably make you g*y if you did that.

  5. get it done professionally. and yeah, its better to wax than anything else.

  6. Waxing is a good way.They may be coarser the first few times round,but a longer time passes before they come out again,and eventually they'll become thinner and softer.

    There's a great brand that I've found here in Greece,it's called perky byly depil ( - the made is not greek,it's spanish.What's great about these wax strips is that they are thin(both the paper and the wax)so they don't cause your skin to break,stick/apply on it very well and therefore are very effective even on very short hair.

    I don't really find Veet as good.

    The best way to get rid of facial hair for good though is laser,but I assume you're too young for that.

  7. If the hair is obvious and waxing will make you happy, go ahead. Just get it done professionally so you don't mess up and/or regret it.

  8. The best way, if you can, is to go to a day spa and have them wax your cheeks for you.  A good spa should wash the area and then apply powder to absorb any moisture.  The warm wax will help  the hairs come out more easily.  It will hurt, but it's over quickly.  When you're home, use a gentle face scrub every day or two, that will help reduce any breakouts following.  If you can't go in to have it done, go somewhere like Sally's Beauty Supply, they have wax kits for about $35, and a pot of wax will last you a LONG time.  I think the only brand they sell there is Gigi.  Get a cream wax, dusting powder, wax strips and a soothing after-wax treatment.  There are thorough intructions inside the box.

    Good luck!

  9. well wax might hurt your skin depending on what kind. I suggest going to a waxing specialist, but yeah deffinately get rid of the hair.

  10. if u wax it ur gonna have to keep up with it but u could or look into laser hair removal it will get thicker the more u wax so laser hair removal would probably be the best choice or facial hair bleach

  11. Yes, you should!

    Cream depilatories are sooo bad for you! They're filled with toxic chemicals that can cause everything from rashes to cancer. What you call "breaking out" may be what the manufacturer calls an "allergy" or "skin reaction" - your immune system is fighting off deadly carcinogens and other nasty stuff (you'd never use most of the beauty products out there if you knew what was really in them...)

    I've used Nads and other over the counter waxing products and don't think they work at all, but I've never tried them on my face...

    If you can't afford professional waxing (lucky, lucky you if you can!), and it's just a few hairs, try plucking them.

    A depilatory "burns" the hairs off like an acid, so the root of the hair is not removed. With waxing or plucking though, the entire hair is removed and should grow back thinner.

    Good luck hon :)

  12. NO NO NO NO NO DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!1 it will make your hair grow out coarser and darker! drop the shaving creme and step AWAY FROM THE RAZOR!

  13. yes

  14. No

  15. yes, but go to a professional so you dont mess it up.  

  16. If you decide to do, you can always go to a salon.  It's about 12 dollars for eyebrows and the hairs stay away for a couple weeks and you can maintain it by plucking.  

  17. You could have a salon do it, its not too expensive and the hair comes back finer. I am not sure where you live so I don't know what brand to recommend.

  18. Yup, wax.

    It'll get rid of most of it but is it's wax mean for facial hair, it'll leave enough little hairs than you still look normal. Everyone naturally has facial hair - for a girl not to have ANY would be a little weird.

    It's just most facial hair on girls isn't noticeable unless you're looking from the right angle in the right light.

    My mom said she used a depilatory cream on her upper lip once and she hated it because she felt it was really obvious.

  19. if you wax it it might make your face irritated.

    you should pluck it like every night.

    or whenever you see trouble spots :)

    good luck :)

  20. wax it

  21. Those creams are really harsh, waxing kinda sucks, it will feel coarser like after the depilatoried hair grew back. If you start waxing, you have to let it grow out so it's noticeable because the wax needs to grip it. You might try a bleach and pluck out the few darker thicker ones. I think most people wax, but get it done professionally the first time, every time if you can afford it. I think it's around 25 bucks.

    I've used Veet, Nair, and Neet on MY LEGS and they were damaged for weeks from the chemicals. DON"T SHAVE! You will have stubble worse than the wax or dipilatory. Waxing can make the hair grow back not as thick, but I think it takes a while.

    I've used the Sally Hansen for face, it's easy and doesn't make my sensitive skin break out. I use it on my upper lip and when I get a darker hair, I pluck. Check for nose hairs, too, if you have dark hair, LOL. good luck

  22. Shave it instead. Waxing will make your face all red, and it'll hurt like a B***H!

  23. try bleaching.  there's this wonderful stuff, Joleen or something like that thats available everywhere.  even walmart.  its very gentle and it doesn't hurt the skin around it.

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