
Should I wear a Chef Jacket/Coat at Home?

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I know and you know I'm not Professional Chef or a Culinary Student, However I cook a lot at Home and Often and I get My Clothes Dirty Often, and I believe a Apron is not Good Enough, so do you believe I Must wear a Chef's Jacket the some kind the Pro's use in My Kitchen at Home and If So where Could I get One Online.

Anything that won't hit my Budget.




  1. sure if you want to

  2. No clue - the decision is yours.   Try to Google "Chefs Jacket" - you might just find something!


  3. Well, I cook in a restaurant and even though a chef jacket is an optional part of our uniform, no one bothers to wear them. I wear a normal apron with chef pants and a t-shirt and I never get anything but the apron dirty. My brother is also a cook, and his place requires him to wear one. It really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

    If you're really interested in getting a chef jacket. This is a great site. I bought pants from them.

  4. yes you should wear a chefs jacket if you don't want to get your clothes dirty

    google it

  5. What's the point?? do what I do  

  6. For my birthday my parents got me a personalized kitchen jacket, it looks just like the one the professionals use.

    It says CHEF REN on it.  

  7. Why not just get a scuba diving suit?

    I mean if you want to stay clean you might as well cover all of you

    jk. sure why not. It would be worth it I suppose

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