
Should I wear a fake engagement ring?

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I'm turning 21 in Sept and I'm planning on have 'girls night' every week with my friends. I'm the only girl in the group that's in a relationship and I don't want my boyfriend to be worried about me being out with them. So I'm thinking about wearing a fake engagement ring whenever I go to bars with out him.

Do you think you'd be weirded out if your gf did this?

We've been together for almost 3 years and I don't want to make him think that I want to get married right now, I just want to make sure no guys hit on me at the bars...

Thanks in advice for your help.




  1. i think maybe you should just ask him? he might not think it was weird. he might think that its a good idea in fact that way he knows that he can trust you because you are the one whos bringing it up! just make sure that you dont wear it all the time. it might make you look desperate or something! good luck and have fun!! : ]] happy early 21st!  

  2. First - discuss your plans with him.  how would he feel if you were married and wanted to have a night out with the girls.  do either of you really think a ring is going to stop some guy from hitting on you?  particularly if the hitter is married as well.  talking about a one nighter.

    soooo  communication with your main flame is always the best answer.  Good Luck

  3. Guys do not look at that. It won’t do a thing to stop them.  

  4. I have done this before to keep unwanted guys away from me. Be ware that some guys like a challenge and will still try to hit on you. I don't think that its weird at all,  and many of my girlfriends do it. Do it once and see what happens. Good Luck!!!

  5. No. Guys will hit on you ring or not. And just need to learn to look the guy in the face and say "sorry, I'm not interested"

    And if he needs you to wear a fake engagement ring to feel comfortable with you going out with your friends...that's just sort of odd  

  6. lol

  7. I wouldn't wear a fake ring; I'd just tell hitters that I'm not interested.  However, it's ok to talk to men - but don't go any farther.

  8. it does not matter. They will hit on you anyway if your man is not there

  9. be openly honest about it with him. ask his opinion. if it will make him feel better, go for it!

  10. OMG uhhhhhhhhhhh then dont go to a bar! your lucky he even lets you go to one! and UMMMMMMMMMM about wearing a ring! how about just act like your a respectful woman and dont be flirtatious and give weird eye contact and dress in a propper manner and act like a normal person and maybe you wont be treated l ike an easy chick! if you are acting like this already.....then you shouldnt have a problem right ????? UHHHHHHH OR dont go to a sleazy bar!!!! where there are many sleazy men ??????????? go to a d**n EL torito or somewhere! UH take your man! UHHHHHHHH GROW up whats a ring gonna do ! ?

    make them think your taken ???? you think they are getting drunk and staring at your finger! no more like you body!

    I have been to places and I wear a fat Diamond ring that looks like some rich man just married me and MEN never stopped from looking or trying to talk to me!

    I know what! stay home with your man! and stop trying to go out like your some single chick! and acting like OMG how can I look like im taken! APPARENTLY its an ISSUE if your on here askin all of us! which means your BUT shouldnt even be going to places like that!

    If I were your man I would dump you for someone else!  

  11. No just live life and enjoy being single  

  12. That won't stop them from hitting on you. lol Sad, but true.  

  13. Don't!

  14. if you've been together for three years he shouldn't be having any trust issues. you don't need a ring to assure him that you won't be fleeing with the next hot bod that walks down the street. he should trust you enough to make the right decision if anybody tries to hit on you or take you home

  15. It's up to you. If you don't want to be bothered by other men, then wear a wedding band. That'll deter them.  

  16. What's your cell number, babe?

  17. I used to do it ALL the time!! I worked at a restaurant as a cocktail server and wore the ring to lessen the men hitting on me!!! They would ask for my number and I'd show them my fake $20 ring and say "Sorry I'm engaged and getting married next week!" LOL

    But it doesn't always work, so be may not matter whether or not you wear a ring!

  18. Why would he be worried unless he is extremely insecure? I think the fake engagement ring is sort of dumb.

  19. It shouldn't matter if you have a ring on or not. He should trust you enough by now to know that you love him and are just going out on a girls night out. I would just talk to him about it and he doesn't care then go and have fun!!!! By the way guys will hit on you even if you have a ring on. I have had a ring on that finger for many years and I still get hit on!!! =) But it makes me feel good! As long as you tell them that you are taken but flattered it's all good.

  20. Guys will hit on you at a bar whether you have a ring on or not. If you aren't wearing a ring they will assume you are single and hit on you. If you are wearing a ring they will assume you are dating or married to someone and will hit on you just to see if they can get you to leave your man for them, if only for a night. This is just how men are.

  21. They will hit on you anyways. If he trusts you then he shouldn't worry. men can hit on you anytime not just at bars. Its up to you wether you cheat on him or not. if you wont cheat them there is no need to wear a fake ring. Sounds to me like you guys have some trust issues.

  22. Are you kidding me?  Get over it!  Have some fun and flirt with some people!  just because you flirt does not mean you are cheating.  I am married and guys still hit on me and offer to buy me drinks and yes, I let them do this.  Quit acting like a "kept woman" and go out and have a great time.  

  23. ahaha guys will still hit on you. I wear my engagment ring proudly and guys still hit on me. I just hold my hand up and say I'm taken.

  24. Do you really think men look at the lady's hand for a ring before they hit on her? In my experience, and I've been wearing my engagment ring for the past FIVE YEARS, they never look.

    Don't feel you have to wear one just to go out with the girls, because it won't make a difference. And I would think it would freak out your boyfriend a little bit, but if you still want to do it, talk to him. Remember that it might look a bit strange in photos taken when you're wearing it. It might be more hassle than it's worth.

  25. Of course not, it makes no sense.

  26. Some guys would look at your "fake" ring, see it as a challenge and hit on you anyway. If he doesn't have a problem just go and enjoy yourself.

  27. I tried that trick, but believe me men would still hit on you no matter what. Your best solution would just look at the guy, smile, and say, "Thank you, but sorry, I'm taken." no need further explanation. And don't feel bad for saying "No", guys don't take hints too well so you have to be direct but still polite.  

  28. In my experience more guys hit on me now and I have a very noticeable diamond ring and sometimes even with my kids at the playground guys will try to hit on me. I would just go out. My fiance broke up with his girlfriend before me because she was going to bars every week but he was more concerned with how wasted she would get every weekend than a guy hitting on her.

  29. I'm pretty sure you're gonna get hit on either way but if it makes you feel better then go for it!

  30. Trust me, if they are going to hit on you, there is nothing you can do about it. They don't care about rings or anything else. But if you want to try it, go ahead. But I would suggest talking to your boyfriend about it first to see what he says. If someone sees you, and sees the ring, a big messy story could get started and could eventually turn in to "she bought her self a ring and is telling everyone they are getting married!!" And your boyfriend finds out and believes it because you didn't tell him. That could be a bad situation. If one of my friends did that, I wouldn't think it was weird, but regardless of what she would say, I would think it was because she was trying to hint something to her boyfriend (not just to try and repel guys). Talk to your boyfriend about it...

  31. Tell him your wearing the ring for that reason then take it off when you get home

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