
Should I wear brown or black mascara?

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I have light brown hair and green/blue eyes. But my eye lashes and eyebrows are pretty close to black... what color mascara should I wear?




  1. black mascara

  2. Hey,

    I Have Dark Brown Hair And Blue/Green Eyes But I Always Wear Black, I Think It Looks Nicer. But Brown Would Suit You, But Most People Wear Black Now Days. But It Doesn't Really Matter What Everyone Else Wheres, Just Wear The Colour You Feel Most Comfortable In And Which You Personally Think Suits You Better!

    Hope This Helps

    Good Luck. `ox

  3. yesi would say black mascara and for green eyes they say like black or gray/silver eye shadow make them pop. i'd sayy try a smokey eye and see how that looks.

    hope i could helpp(:

  4. It matter's which eye shadows you will be using, here is a website to help you pick out colors. But if your going for a natural look then I would recommend brown, if your doing bright colors and black's then use black.

  5. Black.

  6. It depends on what look you're going for.

    For a more natural look, try a dark brown.

    For a dramatic look, try a thick black mascara.

    And for eyeshadow colors, i wouldn't recommend pink. Plum,  gold, brown, and certain shades of purple tend to look better with brown eyes. So if you're going to go with a color, then stick towards more purple-y shades, they'll contrast your eyes better to make them pop.

    And golds and browns are great if you're going more natural.

  7. black

  8. well if you have green / blue eyes you should make them pop out

    with  a smokey eyes look just start with concelar then , eye line your

    eye lid and color your eye with dark eye shadow then eye line your eye

    on top then put some mascara on eyelashes 2-3 coats and when eyeline your eye  try to smudge your eye with a cuticle tip and clean some excess eyeliner....

                                                          good luck......

  9. definitely black

  10. I think that black mascara with a deep grey and/or eggplant purple colored eyeshadow would look great on you. I have the same color hair and eyes as you and that is the makeup i like best. (i color my hair auburn if your wondering about my avatar lol);...

  11. well if you want your eyelashes to look natural then wear brown but if you want to look bit more dramatic then wear black, personally i love to wear black since it adds just little bit more drama!

  12. I think when it comes to mascara, black is your best bet. As for eye shadow, the best thing to do is just be brave and experiment with different colours.  

  13. what color do you like better? i'd go for the black mascara.

  14. Go for CG Professional Super Thick Lash Mascara in Black and Black Brown

  15. I'd go with the black if you can get away with it!  It will make your yes pop out more!  As for the eye shaddow, you might want to go a with a little brighter eye shaddow though.

  16. I think it's a matter of personal preference. If you have light brown hair, generally a brown mascara will be less over powering, but if you're headed for a night on the town black mascara may draw the attention to your eyes.

    Typically, I wear a dark brown during the day, and black if I go out (I have dark hair and eyes...I find the brown is just a little less harsh.)

    As far as the eye shadow goes...I find light pink looks good on almost all skin tones, but the easiest colour to use is champagne or another light sparkly beige.

  17. I'd say black at night like if you're going out and stuff but brown for everyday wear.  Black would look just too dramatic during the day. I don't know about eyeshadows though.

  18. black, It will bring out the colors of your eyes, as for eye shadows stick to a neutral color from day to day. A light to medium strong pink will look great with your color eyes ^_^  

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