
Should I wear makeup to work?

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I work at a fast food restaurant. My mom thinks that me wearing makeup looks professional. I've never really been into wearing makeup though.




  1. i think you should wear makeup to work to attract more costumers

    Hope this helps:)

  2. If your not use to wearing makeup but you want to make your mom happy then wear just a little blush on your cheeks to highlight your cheekbones and then maybe a little barely noticeable lipstick and eyeshadow.

  3. yes if you want to intrest a person or look good                                                                                                                                                                                                     .S i am 11 so don't nag me if it is  a bad answer

  4. if you dont want to then dont, it's not upto your mom it's upto u.

    if you're working in a fast food restaurant i'd probably advise against it though as it seems inpracticle.  i used to be a cook in a nursing home and due to the heat from food cooking, washing up and general swaet from being so busy, there would be no way to waer make-up in that sort of place and it would have been problamatic due to it 1)running down your face and possibly getting into the food and 2)you'll always be panicing about how u look and if you'd need to top up.

    depending on how hot and swaety u will get, you could always wear some light foundation, mascara and maybe a tinted lip balm, like nivea pearl.

    i dont htink it would make any difference to how you work if u do or dont

    but again, completely up to you, go with what your geat says :)

  5. Well its up to you really. Your the one who has to wear it not her. Also do what you feel comfortable with but if you want to put a bit of make up on then theres no harm in that to be honest. Then you Can still look professional but not feel uncomfortable.

  6. Just some foundation and lipstick/gloss isn't a bad idea.

    Please, no shadows and dark colors, as in a glamour makeup.

  7. it doesn't you feel if you worked in a office then amkeup would be good but its just a restaurant

  8. Dnt wear to much,,,

    maybe jst a lil bit...

    bt dnt look like a clown! by wearing so much eyeliner and listick and putting on to much bluch.

    jst maybe a bit of eye line and maybe like clear lipgloos would look good.

  9. If you are going to be working where the cooking happens then don't becuase it will be hot and you will sweat. You definetly don't want fondation running down your face!

    If not, wear a little foundation and soem lipstick, don't layer it or you will look stupid, and don't do a lot of eye make up. A fast food place usually wants customers to feel relaxed and casual so you don't want them looking at crazy eye makeup and thinking how crazy you look!

    Ultimately, they hired you becuase you had a good interview or resume so if you don't want to wear it don't! They will be impressed by how you act rather than your looks!


  10. YESSS..........

    wear a simple make up n not to heavy, cos its help u not look so pale

  11. yes. especially if your a dishwasher.

  12. Yes! When I go out to eat with my family and I see the waitress wearing her hair in a cute way with makeup I assume she's more professional. Because if there is a waitress who has a sloppy ponytail nad no makeup I assume she's just slacking off!

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