
Should I wear my political shirt around my family?

by  |  earlier

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I just bought a shirt to support the candidate I am voting for and my family is sooo anti-'that party'... should I wear it anyways or not when I go over there? Thing is--I'm not ashamed to tell everyone I am voting for him but I was just wondering out of "respect?"

Thanks to everyone!




  1. do it. that way it might spark a conversation when you guys are bored. plus your family loves you for who you are, not what party you are or who youre voting for.

  2. If it will invoke an argument and you want to avoid that, then NO, you shouldn't wear the shirt. But if you belong to a family that respects you for your beliefs, then you should wear it and not be worried.

  3. Completely up to you. If you don't want to start an argument, then don't wear it. If you don't care what they say and want to wear it, then wear it!

  4. why would you care if they didnt like that party?

    how is it not respecting them if you like something they dont.

    they need to get the picture that you have your own views, sounds like they need to respect you a bit more.

    go ahead and wear it, if it bothers them, let it.

    you shouldnt be ashamed of what you believe in

  5. That totaly depends on your relationship with them.

    It really dosn't matter though, I don't think it would be worth it to start some fight with your family over your political opinion ya know? If I were you I would try to keep the peace, after all, its family

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