
Should I work for Norwegian Cruise Lines America????

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I just got hired on by NCL america to be a utility galley. I know this is an entry level job, but i'm pretty excited nonetheless. any advice from anyone who has worked for NCL america before???




  1. Congratulations!

    Well, I haven't worked on ship, but I know a lot of guys who have.  First, a few things to bring...

    - Earplugs.  In case your roommate snores

    - Laptop.  You won't have room for a desktop, and keeping a journal, pictures of your family, e-mail is a good way to stay grounded

    Cruise ships are like a small town.  On the one hand it's great because there's a "family" feeling since you all spend so much time together.  On the other hand, there's not a lot of privacy.  So be nice and make friends, and try not to do anything too embarrassing because you'll be seeing a lot of these people!

    Since your room, meals, and uniform are provided, you have the opportunity to save almost everything you earn.  Be careful not to spend it all when you're in port -- the phrase "spending like a drunken sailor" has a basis in reality!

    Also, be prepared for long hours and hard work.  It's definitely no vacation.  But a lot of entry-level guys go really far in the industry.  I know one guy who started as an exterminator onboard and is now an SVP at a major cruise line.

    Good luck to you!

  2. Get a life jacket.  They don't provide them to the folks that work below the waterline.

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