
Should I work with a lower lumbar slipped disk or strain since it involves bending and lifting and pain?

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Should I work with a lower lumbar slipped disk or strain since it involves bending and lifting and pain?




  1. You need to ask a Doctor

  2. First off there is no such thing as a slipped disc.  If your disc truly slipped you would be in so much pain that you wouldn't be keying this question.  You don't mention a specific level of disc pathology nor is that any mention of problems that you are having.  People work with bad disc problems all of the time.  The question here is what kind of shape are you in and what kind of posture do you have?  A referral to a physical therapist would help you significantly.  There is more to stabilizing the back than just doing abdominal exercises.  Without knowing what symptoms are being experienced and what your posture looks like it is impossible to tell if your work conditions would be conducive to you.  Find a therapist that is experienced in working with backs in a working environment.  

  3. I'm assuming you have had an MRI, etc. since you give a diagnosis.

    Try using 2 Advil or Aleve or a prescription for Motrin 600mg or Naprosyn 500mg for pain & inflammation.  Take as directed on bottle or for Rx Meds every 6 hours.

    Use Ben g*y or Aspercreme topically.

    Then try working & see how it is.

    You need to do core exercises & engage your Ab muscles so they support your lower back.

    Get a weight belt to support your back.

    Remember to bend your legs to lift, not bend over.

    If it still hurts ask your MD for a referral for Physical Therapy.  It really helps.

    Good luck

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