
Should I worry about visiting Israel?

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I am of arab descent through father's line but I am not member of islamic religion.However I have Arab name.Should I be concerned about discrimination from israeli police,border guards etc if I decide to visit Israel>?does anyone know first hand about this?I am not into politics,I dont care who is who,but I know that in political games innocent people always pay the heaviest will ordinary israeli people treat me?Should I expect any problems from them?I would go as a tourist mostly,visiting biblical sites and other attractions.I have canadian passport.




  1. You should not be concerned at all.

    I hope you do visit Israel, as you would have a wonderful time!

    You can look here for the account of an Iranian (Muslim) journalist who visited Israel:

  2. My dear fellow, I wouldn't even dare to think of visiting Israel if I were you.

    Not just because you bear a Muslim name but also about the injustice that's been done to those poor Palestinian people for all of those years.

    No, I strongly recommend to you, not to visit Israel.

    At least, not until the Jews find a way towards peace first.

    Giving your money to someone that will use it for bullets and bombs does not sound like a good idea to me.

    My 2c

  3. Of course you should be a lot!

    Look here and see how nice the Jew soldiers are breaking the back bone and arms of an Arab child.

    That boy will be on a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

    Do you like to visit in a place like that, Luaay?

    bye bye

  4. In specific terms: yes.  You can and might face questioning at immigration and may have hassles.

    There are a lot of other places to visit where you won't be hassled for having an Arab name - and they're probably as much or more fun than Israel.

  5. You will be questioned if you arrive at an IDF checkpoint, you will be searched when you enter public places such as malls and if your going to be driving your trunk will be checked before you enter shopping centers and you might be asked for an ID(I get that too).

    Don't panic, you are not the only one. I am a Jew and I go through the same thing every time, I'm used to it,  it is a part of our daily lives, Israeli's go into a public place and hand out their bag to the guard before he even asks for it, tourists on the other hand might get a little paranoid from all the checking and all the soldiers on the streets, it really isn't a big deal you'll get used to it.

    If you go to places like the Jerusalem main buss station or the Western Wall you'll see that every single person has his bags checked and run through a screen just like in an airport even though most of these people are Jews.

    Just keep in mind that it's for your own safety and that you are not being checked because you are an Arab.

    You'll be surprised to see that many Jewish Israeli's look much like you (they don't call us cousins for no reason) and that many soldiers are Arabs themselves, their religion is Druze and some are even Muslims(The Bedouins), don't be surprised if you hear IDF soldiers speaking fluent Arabic.

    Ordinary Israeli citizens will treat you just fine, you have nothing to worry about, it's not like your the first Arab arriving in Israel, if you need help with something don't hesitate to ask I'm sure they will help you.

    Enjoy your stay in Israel! :)

    P.S if you have any more questions feel free to email me.

    Edit - there are no Jews only roads like claymore claims, if you find one I will pay you one million bucks so you can travel somewhere other than Israel claymore.

    However there are roads who are forbidden to Jews only, isn't that funny? My own army wont allow me to take these roads (for my own safety) but Muslims are free to drive there.

    They can drive anywhere in Israel but I can't go anywhere close to their territories cause if I go too far I might get linched or in the best case get a few rocks to smash the front shield of my car.

  6. no, you have nothing to worry about, unless you're going to be politically anti-israel. there are plenty of arabs in israel that live their lives every day.  

  7. no,you should not be will be questioned for the reason of your visit and your belongings will be searched at the airport and some (and at holly places).all these are done for security reasons of course.

    please do not take offense since it will be done for safety reasons and usually all foreigners are subjected to this search.

    you will encounter no other inconveniences and will be welcomed as a tourist.

    enjoy your visit :)

  8. These security checks One La La speaks of are not that uncommon.  It sounds very much like here in the Philippines.  

    There are guards on every door and driveway to a store or parking lot.

    Simple Police security.  They are always very polite as most of the people here are.  Sometimes I need an ID but my Texas drivers license works fine.

    You will get to where you don't notice it fast.

  9. No--just remember that you are a guest visitor in our country.

  10. Yeah, you should worry about visiting Israel.

    I wouldn't go there myself, not for one million bucks!

    Them jew folks have road blocks, jew only roads, checkpoints and outposts all around the area.

    That sure don't sound like a good "visiting" idea to me.

    It's you call anyway bud, so you decide what to do.


  11. dont worry, you will be fine and you would love israel, israel is a great place and people are very friendly and love tourists.

    everyone gets asked questions, at the end of the day its to protect everyone, including visitors.israel has the best security in the world.

    you are at an advantage because canadian passport holders do not need a visa and are not discriminated against.

    hope you have a great trip

  12. No.

    The only place where you MIGHT be questioned a little more for your name is the airport, but if you don't have anything to hide you will be perfectly fine.

    *IDF checkpoints are not scattered all over the country, they are located only on the borders with the Palestinian territories. If for some reason you choose to visit the territories you will be checked like everyone else.

    *Public places such as malls, markets, stadiums and religious sites tend to hire security guards that check the people at the entry. They will take a quick look at your bag and pass a detector near you. Everyone goes through this; you will not be discriminated against.

    *Israelis love tourists, generally speaking. You'll be surprised to discover that no one cares whether you have a Muslim name or not. Despite what you may have read, we don't hate Arabs and you'll be very welcomed here.

    *Have a lot of fun! Israel is gorgeous and extremely interesting.

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