
Should India and Indonesia have to sign on to any agreement about fossil fuel emission reduction?

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Should India and Indonesia have to sign on to any agreement about fossil fuel emission reduction?




  1. It is in all honesty not possible !!!! not yet

    The demand for Energy, especially in India is going to increase strongly.

    The best you can do is to slow down this increase, then in a second time stabilize it and maybe in some decades reduce it. Remember India with 1100 million inhabitants emits less than a 1/4 of the 300 million Americans.

    How do you want a country that emits only   1.3 t CO2 per capita per year and is about to experience an economical boom similar to China to decrease now its fossil fuel emissions ? Knowing that the US has a hard time to decrease its emissions of 20 t CO2 per capita. The EU with its 10 t CO2 per capita has also difficulties to reduce them.

    The best India can do is to set targets of emission intensity for specific sectors (housing, cement, steel, power generation, etc...).

  2. Yes.  They can easily reduce emissions by installing devices we have been using in the states since the 1960s.  Simple emission controls such as PCV systems and Catalytic converters reduce emissions enormously.

  3. Yes, but they should be given time to introduce technology.  Though their population numbers are higher, their CO2 production is lower than the US.  The biggest producers should do the most first.

  4. are you a scientific dork?

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