
Should India make nuclear warheads?

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i mean i know that india has nuclear weapons, and that it has even conducted tests but the thing is that is it necessary for any country to put nuclear power for destructive purposes? is it just the fear to lag behind in the race of military power?




  1. If US the only country to have ever used nuclear weapons on people can still have them, India has every right to safeguard it's interests in the world. Do you think the US would have bombed Japan if they had Nuclear weapons too? India is in favour of complete denuclearisation of the world but it will not give up it's right to self defence until other countries possess them! India has an Immaculate record of non-proliferation even without signing the NPT unlike the "Major Non-NATO ally" of USA, Pakistan. It will not sign the NPT because it is a biased treaty against India.

  2. No.

    I don't think India should make nuclear warheads.

    I am certain India can make much better use of its resources.

  3.     * It is widely estimated that India currently has approximately 200 warheads.It is known that about 75% of its warheads are assembled and the rest are in a sub-assembled position, and the number is expected to grow in time.

        * David Albright's report published by Institute for Science and International Security on 2000 estimates that india at end of 1999 had 310 kilograms of weapon grade plutonium which is enough for 65 nuclear weapons. He also estimates that India has 4200 kg of reactor grade unsafeguarded plutonium which is enough to build 1000 nuclear weapons. By the end of 2004, he estimates India had 445 kilograms of weapon grade plutonium which is enough for around 85 nuclear weapons considering 5 kg of plutonium required for each weapon[6]

        * Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) believes that India has a stockpile of about 30 to 35 nuclear warheads and claims that India is producing additional nuclear materials.

        * Former RAW official J.K. Sinha claimed that India has capability to produce 130 kilograms of weapon grade plutonium from six unsafeguarded reactors not included in nuclear deal between India and United States.

        * Joseph Cirincione at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (3) estimates that India has produced enough weapons-grade plutonium for 50-90 nuclear weapons and a smaller but unknown quantity of weapons-grade uranium

    Furthur if your question is if India should make more nuclear weapons, India has the capability of making 50 Nuclear Warheads a year.

  4. India already has nuclear weapons.....where have you been?

  5. Where have you been? It wasn't that long ago that India tested 3 devices and a few days later Pakistan responded by testing 5 devices!

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