
Should Iran attack Israel for it's crimes against humanity?

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i'm a bitter enemy of the jewish state




  1. durka durka Mohammed jihad

  2. It would be the last thing Iran would do.I say no. Iran should just make sand castles.

  3. not unless Iran wants the us marines and the us air force dropping some attitude adjustment on them

  4. Iran won't do anything unless another country strikes first, like Israel or the USA.

    Israel is one of the most hated and despised countries in the world.

  5. You're talking about crimes against humanity in Israel??? How about a government that executed two 16-year old boys just because they were homosexuals? How about the lack of freedom of speech the Iranian government has on it's people?? How about the conference Iran hosted about questioning the existence of the Holocaust?? How about the support Iran is giving to extremists in Iraq, Lebanon and Syria that use bombs to kill innocent people??

    Israel is simply defending itself from extremists mad because the United Nations allotted the Jewish people land after they were almost whipped off the face of the Earth. Israel has tried to extend it's hand to Muslim governments.

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