
Should Iran have access to nuclear power technology?

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Should Iran have access to nuclear power technology?




  1. no one in the middle east should have nuclear capabilities

    if they use it        it will either be on us or we're gonna have to get involved

  2. The world MUST stop Iran access to nuclear technology

  3. i think every sovereign power should be free to develop as the people of that country approve.  i think it is hypocritical of countries possessing the nuclear capacity to decimate the earth to prevent the development of the technology by another country.  in a world with an ever decreasing oil supply, i think it is unreasonable to prevent any country from investigating other energy sources, included nuclear.  i think every country should be allowed to be as idiotic as us,Russia, and any other nuclear capable state.

  4. Um, that's a BIG no.

    Especially with Achmadinejad in there.  I'd worry if any of the Middle Eastern countries had the 'capability'.

    That's why Canada has all that leftover 'yellowcake' from Iraq.

    You know it's safe there.

  5. NO! The "president" of that country has threatened to wipe other nations off the map. Is that ok with you? Do you want nuclear war? This is a no-brainer.

  6. there are other evil nations that have this technology, so why single out iran ?

  7. -not until they can establish friendly relations with Israel.  Is that possible?

  8. They need allot of air conditioning.....You can't trust them and they don't trust us either...We need to leave their country to them and stop the terror threats they may inflict on us to get us out of their country.

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