
Should Ireland Pull Out Of The EU?

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Irish Only.

The European Union shows it's disregard for the votes of the Irish people. So far, all they have brought the Emerald Isle are problems.

The EU is the new Communism.




  1. Agree with you there mate. Why fight the British for independence for so long just to end up being a state in the EU. Makes no sense. Sinn Fein are right on this one.

  2. The EU is far from being communist.  As mentioned already the article in question relates to the Council of Europe, not the EU.

    Ireland is nation dependent massively on foreign trade.  We have no substantial natural resources, we do not have the ability to feed our growing population and I don't trust our government or any of the major parties to govern this country justly and fairly as the EU has has a sort of supernanny effect on governments to listen and protect all their citizens.

    And what pray tell are all these problems that the EU has brought our Emerld Isle as you put it.  I have grown up in a free country, with a stable economy and state.  I have consumer rights which are required by EU law, I have the ability to shop in another country and not pay excise duty.  Competition has helped monopolies that strangled consumers in this country, i.e. Aer Lingus.

    By the way, the Council of Europe resolution isn't binding, it was an invitation for the laws to be changed.

    Ireland is far more respected in Europe that it is by its closest neighbour.  If Ireland left the EU we would be completely dependent on the UK and US, not a position any country would see as favourable, especially considering Ireland's size.

  3. Well, my Irish ancestors settled the western US, so I see that I don't meet your "Irish Only" criteria. I will, however, answer your question since my Irish-Amercian ancestors are the only reason you're viewing the Internet today.

    First of all, you should be glad there is such thing as the European Union. People forget that the meaning behind the EU is a UNION. Ireland doesn't pay any dues to be part of the EU, nor do they have any obligations. If you want out, get out and go back to the dismal currency you were trading before you embraced the almighty Euro.

    How exactly is the European Union the new Communism? Ireland is it's own independant, sovereign nation. If you folks found it so despicable to get an abortion, get out of the EU.

    However, if the costs don't outweigh the benefits, quit crying, and embrace the love and unity you folks are enjoying in Europe. It hasn't been enjoyed in at least 500 years.

  4. I agree with you. Europe is evil.

  5. Oh is that the best you can come up with???? Why don' t they just treat it as a state by state issue?...I'm sure there are more important issues that affect the population of Ireland than just "legal abortion"

  6. Why not regroup as the British Isles, but with Ireland having more of an equal partnership with the UK this time? We have more in common than our differences (take note, Ulster sectarians).

  7. Absolutely...they don't need the EU, in fact, Ireland is doing better than any other country in Europe thanks to the USA.  No other country ever bothered with them...except to invade them.

  8. Nooooo - It is political suicide. Europe has meant prosperity for the Irish people.

  9. Yes. If they're smart they will. But not because of the reasons in your link. They should do it because nobody in the other EU countries are allowed to have a vote. Ireland needs to remind the people of Europe what the word "democracy" really means. Our leaders seem to have forgotten. :-)

  10. How can the Eu be the new communism when there are so many right wing leaders in it.  France and Italy to name but two.  Ireland had gained many benefits from being in the EU.

    And as pointed out, the link you have is about the council of Europe.  Not the EU

    But it would be great if Ireland pulled out.  Then other countries would be able to see just how a country survives without being in the EU.  We will get to see if you sink or swim.

  11. The Council of Europe, in the article, is completely different to the EU. The EU has 25 members, but the CoE has 47, including Andorra and Russia

    The CoE exists to promote freedom, democracy and human rights, which are really no bad thing. Moan about the EU all you like, it does waste a lot of money etc., but the CoE is, working away in the background doing a very important job

  12. In a couple of years when you enter "europe" there will be a big banner saying "Welcome to Eurabia!"

  13. I use to be very pro europe (I'm an Anglo-Finn - relatives all over Europe) but the way it is going - yes Ireland & the UK should pull out.

    Never ever thought I would think that or type it.

  14. No we shouldn't pull out.

  15. Yes the withdrawal method can save a lifetime of pain.

    We told you you shouldn't have adopted the euro lol

  16. Ok lets get this straight.Where do you think the low interest rates of the past decade have come from?Ireland has also  been a net reciever of EU funds up until now.If it was'nt for the EU we would be an isolated backwater.Dont be so naive to think there is no price to pay for joining a common market as well as the benefits .Who do you think we would export to if we did'nt have the trade agreements with Europe? .....This is an old argument that you lost,move on.....Im a proud free Irishman who is also European.Just like the proud people from every other European country.

    P.S. membership of the EU is a confirmation of our  Independance.(scotland and wales cant just pull out of it)although that discussion is also old....sinn fein (or should I say me feinn) are stuck with a socialist ideology that is never going to work...Its too rigid.

  17. Ierland and all the other eu countries should pull of out it. In the usa when the southern states tried they were smashed. some freedom. - If you want to be an independent state, prepare to have your own troops shoot you. Thanks

  18. Yes mate.

  19. There is no way Ireland will pull out of Europe, most of it's trade is within the EU and most of it's economy relies upon the EU.

  20. The EU has brought us a lot of benefits, don't forget. I for one am perfectly happy to remain an EU national - it makes it much easier to get work in other EU countries, much less paperwork.

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