
Should Israel be made to choose between aid or espionage?

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Should we end aid to Israel, end their spying on us or keep giving them money to spy and sell our technology back to us?




  1. Israel is a strong ally of the United States of America and is certainly no threat to the United States of America.

    We rely on Israel for intelligence regarding Muslim Terrorism in the Middle East because Isreali intelligenc in the Middle East is much better than our own intelligence in that region.

    Because Israel is a strong ally of the United Staes and certainly is no threat to the United States we should take no action againt Israel for any espionage they may conduct in the United states of America.

  2. That would mean that we would have to stop spying on them and we definitely don't want that. Welcome to the real world...we spy on our friends...

  3. Yes.      

  4. No, the aid should stop period.

    I don't think Israel or Israeli companies should be privy to US trade trade or military secrets, which can be exploited for economic gain at the expense of US companies.

    Nor should they be privy to any private conversations between US citizens, or those of US congresspeople, which could be used to apply blackmail or even to direct pro-Israel lobbying or targetting of AIPAC funds against certain congresspeople.  Its an outrageous manipulation of our democracy, the congress people are OUR representatives not Israel's servants (or should be)

    However, the reason all aid to Israel should stop is that it was founded on ethnic cleansing and mass murder of helpless men, women and children, and discriminates overtly on ethnic background and religion - it runs an apartheid regime which is the antithesis of the American ideals of equal rights and justice under the law.

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