
Should Joe Biden's foreign policy expertise be under full-press assault since he was SOOOOO wrong about Iraq?

by Guest55664  |  earlier

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Okay, kidlets, try to hang with me here as I remind you that as recently as earlier this year the estimable senior Senator from the Great State of Delaware was in his THIRD YEAR of pushing the idea that Iraq should be broken up (by us!) into three parts: Sunni, Shia, and Kurd. And definitely hang with me when I remind you that there were NO IRAQIS (except for a handful of Kurds who dreamed that they could depend on us guaranteeing their security forever and ever) who were in favor of watching their country broken up into three weak statelets.

Now, there were some folks in the region who thought that Biden's idea was a GREAT IDEA. Principal among them: Iran. Big surprise there, right? After all, they planned on (and would have) dominated the rump-statelet of Shiastan in a New York minute.

So much for the expertise of that vaunted foreign policy expert, Joe Biden. Let me suggest to some of you who just don't get it that the bar is set pretty low for Palin. You all keep focusing on her family issues while the great swath of folks in the middle in this country get down to the serious (and REAL) business of vetting all four of the candidates' CAPABILITIES. You know, right, what they are CAPABLE of doing as opposed to what they SAY they might do.

And try not to be so surprised this time when, once again, things don't go the way you're just SURE that they're supposed to go, that they've GOT to go, that they MUST go if our great nation is to march ever leftward towards the dream of European-style socialism. (Which, by the way, the Europeans are desperate to get out of but, after 60 years of promises (read: you give us your money and we'll take care of you) that they now know they can't possibly keep, they can't seem to find a way out without VERY serious social upheaval. So, they just muddle along, decade after decade. Some model to which we should aspire, huh?)




  1. I don't think Biden was wrong about Iraq.  At the time he proposed his plan for Iraq, sectarian violence was running amok, and getting the Shia and Sunni to agree on anything seemed impossible.  The only reason the Iraqi people didn't agree to the plan is because most of Iraq's oil reserves would have been in the Kurdish part.

  2. Correction... George W was so wrong about Iraq, in fact he lied about intelligence just so he could get his dirty little hands in there

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