
Should Joe Biden be excommunicated?

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Either he's a Catholic as he professes to be, or he's pro-choice. One cannot be both.

Canon 915 and Pope John Paul II's encyclical "Ecclesia de Eucharistia" are both quite clear on this point. Biden and other "pro-choice" Catholic politicians have no business receiving the Sacraments.

By professing to be a Catholic and still supporting abortion, Joe Biden shows himself to be a hypocrite of monumental proportions.




  1. Wake up. America is not a clerical state yet.

  2. The Church never excommunicated its pedophile priests.  Why would it bother with Biden?

  3. what ever...

    dogma sucks.

  4. Notice how the talking heads are not shy about listing Obamas choice of vp,Biden, as a Catholic but do not reveal the fact that he is pro choice.  They want the Catholic vote but not the dogma.  Sound like John Kerry?

  5. no he shouldn't. Who r u to judge anyway, if we all took what the Bible said to a tee, we'd all be in trouble

  6. Probably.

  7. Excommunicate him if you wish.  I thought we were all sinners, and as such, perhaps he cannot help his beliefs, even if they are in contradiction to dogma.

    I have seen plenty of BS on the other side, and had to keep my mouth shut because I was only the guitar player.  One of the guys in the band was going through a divorce, and his ex was seeking an annulment (after 12 years and two kids)  because when they met they had been Deadheads and doing drugs.  I said that I could have understood an annulment once they sobered up, but that after 12 years, such a move could only be viewed as a  farce. and was promptly "corrected" by the singer.  

    My wife's grandmother WAS excommunicated for getting divorced from an abusive husband in the 1940's, but I'll bet there are divorced people receiving communion in almost every catholic church in the country every week.

  8. All Christians don't believe in the Bible these days. I doubt there is a single American who follows the rules in Leviticus.

  9. Apparently one can be both.  In this country millions are.

  10. Hey, pork chop, how do you like playing with those internet Latin machine-translaters?  We both knew you were too dumb and mean and lazy in school to learn English, let alone anything as challenging as Latin.  Res Ipsa Loquitur.

    Anyway, it's good to hear you've been elected pope.  Now you can spend your days and nights trolling the Religion and Superstition section.  

    As for your half-witted observations about Catholicism, you can either jam them up your butt of monumental proportions or enlighten us as to the Catholic theology teaching that a validly contracted marriage is accompanied by divine ratification, creating a virtually indissoluble union until consummation, after which the marriage is completely indissoluble.  Maybe Old Half-Dead McCain didn't get that part.  

  11. He should at least be denied communion. It drives me crazy how many people like him claim to be followers of a certain religion, but then don't actually do even remotely what that religion specifies. You're not a follower of a religion if you don't believe in what it why would you keep saying that you are?

  12. Who are you to decide who is Catholic or not? You're not in any position to choose. Crawl back in your hole, troll. Peace!

  13. We aren't a theocracy. Whatever the man believes or doesn't as a citizen of this country is his business. Anything else is between him and The Catholic Church. I'm sure it isn't abortion he believes in. Very few do. But the right for a woman to make a CHOICE is what it is about.  

  14. Good question: I agree, either you are or you aren't. Actually I find it funny (not ha ha funny) that many people who go to church claim to be pro-choice, which by all definition means abortion. I believe that The Church would agree he should not receive the blood and flesh of Christ until he changes his views.

    And to the young man who made the comment about the church and pedophiles, well, yes there has been some bad people take the form of the cloth, but they are in every walk of life, not just the church. We'll pray for both you and Biden.

    People really need to understand something here: if don't want to get pregnant, DON'T HAVE s*x. Yes, really it is that easy. And before anyone gets on here and says, but thats not realistic or what about if the girl is raped, yadda yadda-it is realistic not to have s*x (lots of NUN's don't) and the stat's on raped victoms getting pregnant are few and far between so its not really an issue. The child in question isn't asking to be murdered.

    Also, do you pro-abortionist think capital punishment is wrong or okay? I find many think its wrong. Funny, you'll murder an innocent life, but yeah to the man who killed a child!

  15. He never said he supports abortion.

    I am pro choice simply because of the fact that God gave us all free will.  I am pro-life, because it is my hope that all will choose life.

  16. No.  Feeling lonely on the outside by yourself, again?

  17. Millions of other Catholics are pro choice too.  Do you want to excommunicate them all?  How about a catholic who served in Iraq and has killed in combat or a civilian who uses birth control.  Should they all be excommunicated as well?  Where do you draw the line, and why?  Do you take a hard like only when democrats are involved and not republicans?  If so then in that case who would be the hypocrite?

  18. Have you ever thought about it in terms of saving a life?  If giving birth gets so complicated that there is the possibility of the mother or the baby to die---guess what?  The doctors will ALWAYS try to save the mother's life first.  At the same token, pro choice gives the opportunity to "save" a life.  You have a 14 year old who gets pregnant.  You are a catholic and would force her to have the baby and not have a future?  Hardly any parents I met were willing to help their pregnant teens to finish school and go to college.  Actually, I've met only 2 parents who did that.  The rest of the parents who had a pregnant daughter did not help their daughters, they let them suffer the consequences.  Saving a life doesn't only have to be by saving it from death, it also can be saving it from total ruin.  To put it a step further:  those who scream "anti-abortion"(as McCain does), do not want to pay for the babies.  It is my opinion that if a government forces me by law to have a baby, then the government should be willing to support this baby and allow me to finish school.  But those who scream "anti-abortion" don't want to see that.  They want to portray pro-choicers as killers, which is just not true.  

    Lastly, let me tell you that no baby is viable in the first 12 weeks--if it gets born that early it's dead, that's why we call it a miscarriage, not a still birth.  If it is born dead at full term it is a still birth.  At the same token, if a mother has to have life-saving treatment in the first 3-5 months of a fetus' development, such as radiation and chemo, then the baby is 100% damaged.  So these "anti-choicers", who want to make abortion criminal again, who want to force a mother to have the baby regardless what do not care about the mother's life, nor do they care about the baby's---because who is going to pay for the health care treatments of those babies?  Do you really know what malaria medication or chemo and radiation do to a baby?  You can be a good catholic and still be pro-choice, it's all common sense.  Besides, the catholic church has, in my opinion, lost all it's rights to be a valid church.  As long as they do not turn their pedophiles over to the law, that long don't they have the right to excommuniate anyone....

  19. Seriously, who cares what the Catholic Church says.  People are smart enough to come to their own conclusions on these things, they are personal matters and should not be part of a political discussion.

  20. kagmi just said it right below he should be denied communion. i just came in from Mass where i go every Sunday, i have dear friends, relatives, co-workers, etc..on both sides of that issue.

    that is between Mr Biden and his God, i do not believe he should be

    excommunicated, i think he should be denied the Body & Blood of Jesus Christ, but its not up to me anymore than its up to you.

    as a member of the Roman Catholic Church we absolutely cannot

    pick and choose like so many have done, look at the biggest frauds

    in the Catholic Church the Kennedy's, we are bound by our faith to side on LIFE.......But to me this makes these people Lousy Catholics

    who do not follow the rules, God never sleeps they will answer, don't concern yourself, count your blessings that your not like them, also

    thank God your not like the evil one track minded,person who made a disgusting statement about Catholic Priests,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, there are Ministers,Pastors,Reverends,Rabbi's etc..all guilty of that despicable crime against humanity,are we all's why we pray for

    people, all people,black white brown, yellow, belivers, non believers

    and especially evil people.

  21. yes.. he is not catholic

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