
Should John Armitt, boss of Network Rail, give his bonus to the bereaved?

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Last year, John Armitt, boss of Network Rail, received a £270,000 bonus.

He has as good as admitted liability for the Cumbria rail crash, so should he offer this as some form of compensation to the relatives of the woman who lost her life (out of his own pocket). I think it's the least he could do.




  1. One life lost in about 5 years - that seems a pretty good record to me.

    OK he seems like a slimy self-serving git, but perhaps on this occasion he can keep the money

  2. Its bloody typical this day and age that these Executives and Chairman of the Board get a bonus for doing a lousy job.

    Take his bonus and his salary give it to that victims family.

    Then should kick his **** down to the dole office, make him wait in line like all the poor b******s looking for a job and trying to get by on a few quid

  3. No.

    I see where you're coming from, but if you do things like that, no-one will ever want to take a responsible job again in this country, for fear that they will have to pay up because someone else way below them in the pecking order was too lazy to do their job properly.

    Of course, if it can be proved that he is culpable then they should sue him.

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