
Should Jr. got penalized for passing under caution?

by Guest56874  |  earlier

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isn't there a rule against that. last night he passed his teammate keselowski under caution to bump hamlin. why wasn't he penalized or is therea a rule?




  1. He gave the spot back.  Therefore, there is no penalty.  This happens more than you think under caution.  A driver may drive up to a team mate and have him check something.  Things like that.  It is like the yellow line at RP tracks- give the spot(s) back and you are fine.

  2. yes he should lil k bumped hamlin durning caution then hamlin retaliated which was perfectly fine and then jr. comes out of nowhere what because its his car infron of him he can fight back for lil k no you dont see joe gibbs coming on to the track and throwing a helmet at lil k

    totally agree

  3. i think jr should be penalized bc denny hamlin said his self tht he did not see keslowski and he didnt mean to bump him but everyone else thought different bc keslowski and denny hamlin have never gotton along tht why jr went up there and bumped him bc he thought he meant to bump him jr owns the #88 and the #83.

  4. he probably should have been sent to the end of the longest line or at least a drive through penalty.  I don't think it warranted any points deduction, not that that would have mattered

  5. Because he never passed he went to bump Hamlin and then went right back where he was.

  6. All three of them should be penalized with the highest penalty going to the person who made the first contact.

  7. Jr should have slapped denny hamlin silly, just like he should have done to kyle a few weeks ago, but he does'nt have the guts. Denny hamlin is the biggest prick in racing!

  8. i didn't watch the race so i don't know the whole thing about the bump, but just like passing below the yellow line at like daytona or talladega i think if he gives back the position it is fine to pass under caution. also i don't know whether keselowski was down a lap

  9. First all that happened under caution so it does not count and second under green if you give the spot back there is no penalty.

  10. the only reason junior should be penalized is for butting in where he didn't belong.  the problem was between hamlin and keselowski, not junior. if hamlin had knocked into juniors fender, i'd have no problem with junior trying to dump him once the green waves.  

    but hamlin retaliated against brad, and if junior wanted to do something about it, he should have been on the radio to brad's crew chief telling brad not to take any c**p.  it's ok to back up your boy, but don't fight his fights for him.  and as was said above, joe gibbs didn't come out and throw his helmet at keselowski, so junior (as an owner) should advise his driver, not take matters into his own hands.

    the one thing denny got right is that the problem between he and brad should be dealt with by he and brad - not the crews, not the owners, but by the drivers involved.

  11. Jaynarie is correct; because Jr did not advance his position IN THE RACE he wasn't penalized. If he had passed and stayed there, then there would have been a penalty.

  12. It's all about NASCAR loosening up. NASCAR loosens up now everyone makes something out of nothing every week.  The fans are so hard to please.  Damned if you do and damned if you don't.  

    Can't wait to see Keselowski in the #5 next year.  He seems to be the only Nationwide driver with a set of nutz to compete against the wackers.

    Go TK!

  13. All 3 should be penalized. Danny & Brad for bumping under caution & Jr for passing under caution. I told my mom the same thing last night after the race.

    And yes there is a rule against passing under the caution.

  14. You evidently had not read some of the posts in here, and yes, they all should be penalized...but  realize this is a race which includes  43 drivers  not 1; come Tuesday..penalties will be handed down and you can see for yourself who got what and why!

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