
Should Jupiter istitute a ban on SUVs and destroy their economies with Kyoto-style feel good treaties?

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  1. Sounds like another elitist, guilt-ridden, lib thinks capitalism has delivered a car and flush toilet to the majority of humanity (whilst he/she likely possesses more of each than his/her @$$ can occupy at any one time).

  2. Lets send Al Gore and his fans to Jupiter so they can see for themselves.

  3. a) There are no SUVs on Jupiter or life forms to ban them.  Thus there are also no economies on Jupiter.

    b) Kyoto didn't destroy any economies.  The only country not to ratify it was the USA, and it's our economy that's in the crapper.  The European countries ratified it, and have you seen what the Euro is worth these days?  $1.58 and rising.

    c) Humans are causing global warming on Earth, not Jupiter.

    d) This is the Environment section, not the Politics section.

  4. Dana said:

    "a) There are no SUVs on Jupiter or life forms to ban them. Thus there are also no economies on Jupiter."

    Thanks. Thanks for this.

    "b) Kyoto didn't destroy any economies. The only country not to ratify it was the USA, and it's our economy that's in the crapper. The European countries ratified it, and have you seen what the Euro is worth these days? $1.58 and rising.'

    How many countries are complying with the standards set by the Kyoto?

  5. Are you angry that it cost so much to fuel your SUV? And the link states that Jupiter's equator is getting warmer, not the whole planet. It's the storms, not an increased output from the sun.

    EDIT - mopar guy's comments are an admission that CO2 emissions contribute to climate change. His guzzler also contributes and at a micro-economic level, he can alter his behavior by not flying, not using so much electricity at home and not driving a gas-guzzler.

  6. I don't know but my SUV loves Earth.

  7. OK all you SUV bashers. Here are some facts. The aviation industry burns 180 million tons of fuel yearly- this is about 45,000,000,000 (45 billion) gallons of fuel each year. Not only that, but their exhaust is going out right where it counts- in our skies. Water vapor is one of the strongest greenhouse gasses, but jet airliners get a free pass, and it's not just water vapor that their emitting.  The airport in every city is where  the dirtiest air is at by my observation(almost always a brown smog cloud at busy airports). You stop them, and I'll hand you my keys! Down with Kyoto! It will kill America!


  9. .........breathe from the exhaust pipe.......hmmm drink from the porcelain throne.......

    some people are so naive that they don't know half or maybe more of the world do exactly that........, we still want your cheap labour but air conditioning you must be kidding me. it creates to much ozone. we know , we used it for now you should roast from the global warming we caused.

    Kyoto is a self righteous agreement.

    no developing country has signed on because they never had their kick at the can yet. USA has not ratified the agreement because ..........all the American multinational have set up shop in those developing countries.

    as for jupitereans, i don't think they know a Kyoto from an al gore.

  10. I gotta wonder how many doubters are going to post this same link, without even bothering to read the associated links that explain the "warming"?

    Lightening can cause Forest Fires.

    Humans can cause Forest Fires.

    2 completely different things can produce the same effect at different times or in different locations. The warming of Jupiter has absolutely nothing to do with the global warming of Earth. If you'd "bothered" to read the links on your own link page (before posting this) you would have learned that.

  11. What?  If you don't believe in the need to improve the air quality and clean up the water, then please breath the exhaust from your car and drink from the porcelain throne.

  12. No, I think you should hop in your SUV and head there right now. We could certainly do with less hot air on Earth.

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