
Should Karmichael Hunt be allowed to play for Australia in upcoming Test against Kiwis? Why or why not?

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Should Karmichael Hunt be allowed to play for Australia in upcoming Test against Kiwis? Why or why not?




  1. If he is a naturalized Ozzie now, I don't have a problem. However if he is still legally a citizen of NZ( I think) then no, no matter how good he is he should be playing for them. I think players with dual citizenship should have to choose one way or the other because with an International Test you are supposed to be playing for and representing your country. Just my opinion.

  2. Regardless of where he was born i dont think he's been in good enough form to make either team.

    Even though i'm a Saints fan i think Matty Bowen has been robbed. It's pretty bad when they pick a kiwi over a true Australian who is obviously in better form.

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