
Should Kindergarten teacher allow students to vote disabled out of the class?

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Wendy Portillo, a teacher in Port St. Lucie, FL, decided to let her kindergarten class "vote out" a fellow student. Alex, age 5, is in the process of being diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. Alex was forced to stand in front of his class while each classmate said what they disliked about him (including "disgusting" and "annoying"). He lost by a vote of 14 to 2 and left the classroom.

The state attorney's office has concluded the matter did not meet the criteria for emotional child abuse, so no charges will be filed. The matter is now in the hands of the Port St. Lucie school district and the Florida Department of Children and Families.

Is this a practice that should continue?




  1. Its disgusting.I realize he is a special needs child and probably belonged elsewhere,but something like that can destroy the little buggers mind,not to mention social skills in society.The decision of the teacher and his classmates will haunt him for the rest of his life.

  2. OMG!! She needs to lose her job! What was she trying to "teach" these kids?

  3. Kids will be kids.  They were just having fun.  No harm done to anyone.

  4. it will only lead to more segregation between children without disabilities and those that have them. If they seperate by choice now it will only get worse later. That boy was probably hurt by that whether it met emotional abuse or not. Its like saying I hate you to a 6 year and kicking him out of the room. The whole point of kindergaten it to get used to being in the real world with other people. She defeated the purpose and should be punished for it.

    If anyone agrees with what she did then why not vote all the teachers out of schools. Led the kids run it and not spend tax money on education, leaving us with a dumb bunch of crumb-snatchers?

  5. shuit the fuikc up biatcch

  6. I really do hope that it's not true.

  7. That teacher should not be allowed to teach anywhere in this country!! What a disgrace to all teachers. That is definitely abusive as well as discriminatory and morally wrong!!! First of all the poor child has a disability and she has not only produced years of psychotherapy and shame in the child, but she has taught the other children that it is okay to bully others out of your group, to hurt others with your words and actions and that those that need your help the most should be stepped on and over.

    Pulled this from a response to news article: "Great concept from the teacher. Now, stand her up in front of the parents of the school, let her hear what the parents think of her, and vote whether to keep her or fire her.

  8. The teacher should be fired.  Plain & simple.  That poor child was subjected to ridicule BY HIS CLASSMATES AND TEACHER.  That is abominable and disgusting.

    If I were the parent of this child, I would spread the word to other parents about what this teacher did.  It is despicable.

  9. Provide a link, why don't you?

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