
Should Kwame Kilpatrick resign as Detroit mayor?

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The guy's rap sheet is longer than most felons. Misuse of city funds. s*x scandal. Mysterious murder of a stripper who attended a party thrown by Kwame at the mayor's mansion. Pushing around sheriffs. He is known as the "hip hop mayor". Why is he still getting a free pass? I say because he is black. I am black too but I hate double standards. He violated his bail twice. He refuses to resign. I think it's time Jenniffer Granholm (Michigan governor) get rid of him. He is just a thug who is lucky to have a mommy congresswoman. Lock him up and throw away the key. I am for all black politicians but anyone would be ashamed of a guy like that.




  1. He should resign. With the the allegations he certainly can't give his city the attention it needs. If I lived in Detroit I would be demanding his resignation. It should be an embarrassment to their city.  

  2. He won't have to resign, he'll be fired once he's in jail for ordering Tamara Green's death. I can hardly wait.

  3. why is he still getting a free pass you ask. detroit is sixty eight per cent black. that's why. check it out. one thing that black people do well and that is riot. it must be in their blood. but your right. the man IS a thug. period!! because of slavery, the blacks think that they're owed something so that gives them carte blanche to do what ever the h**l they want. and, they do.  

  4. Yes he should.

  5. The best thing would be to give Detroit to Canada in exchange for some oil.  I wonder how many barrels we could get?  Ten?  Twenty?  It would be worth it.

  6. To date, it is true that Kwame has violated his bail bond obligations; he is, however, not convicted of any felonies, although charges mount against him almost weekly.

    I think he is an example of a sociopath,  his sense of entitlement stemming from a somewhat privileged status due to his political genetics.

    A sociopath cannot & will  not consider the welfare of others.

    If Kwame were not a sociopath, he would consider the welfare of Detroit and all of S.E. Michigan and resign immediately.

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