
Should Liberals in the UK be put in stocks and pelted with rotten fruit and veg?

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I believe that their namby pamby ways have contributed greatly to the breakdown of law and order in not only the UK but everywhere. Our Police have to put up with verbal abuse from teenage Yobs who know they're untouchable and gun/knife crime is up to disgraceful levels because the Government bring in laws to stop the sale of them BUT should be looking at the whole picture not just the crime statistics but the root causes




  1. That's the trouble with people voting you have to try to please enough people to get their vote.Votes=elected=power

    Alf the dictator the cure for everything?

    Alf thats what liberals always do!

  2. Alf, I couldn't agree with you more. It's about time punishments fitted crimes, and the law reclaimed the streets.

    Too many times you hear of scum actually suing people for defending themselves and their properties.

    Once convicted these vermin should be put on disused oil rigs miles off the coast of Scotland for a winter or two. if there aren't enough rigs, anchor a few old ships out there. it's an absolute disgrace that prisoners are getting better treat than our servicemen, and appalling they receive more money per meal than guys on active duty fighting for their country.

    mike t.

  3. Blimey, you're itching for a fight today, aren't you?

    Who's the yob in this situation? You're the one that's proposing a violent dictatorial solution.

  4. No, thats wasting food and Gordon told us we mustn't do that, remember?

  5. no, they should be forced to live in dodgy areas so they can see first hand what those little (explicit deleted)ers are doing to everyone else. They need to realise that in order for us to have basic human rights (like safety/security) strict rules need to be put in place. They live in a fantasy that everyone is like them, and would get along just fine without any rules.


    yeah, i think a nice beating from a bunch of 16 year olds should do it just fine

  6. Only if the fruit and veg is fair trade and organic

  7. Waste of good food, that is needed in this shortage.

  8. while your suggestion is an interesting one, you will ultimately need much tougher punishment for these people of which you speak  who don't "understand " much about respect, doing the right thing, etc. I believe an unused island far, far away might be a good domain for their kind!

  9. Hey, can we borrow your idea and do the same thing in the U.S.?

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