
Should MMA move out of Yahoo martial arts questions?

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Can there be a true Martial Arts section without MMA questions? Should MMA have its own section so they can talk about what others are doing, perhaps combined with WWE wrestling?




  1. MMA and wrestling are waaay different.

    Wrestlings totally fake now days, not what it used to be.

  2. I really don't think MMA and WWE have anything to do with each other. That's like comparing the NHL to the Mighty Ducks movie.

  3. agreed. mma fans tend to be disgusted with "pro-wrestling"

  4. MMA should have its own sub-section just like in the music section where Metal should be separated from the rock&pop section!

  5. MMA should NOT BE COMBINED WITH WWE WRESTLING IN ANY WAY. Can we please stop making that comparision people!!!!!!!!!!!!Please! Its insulting, I dont see anyone comparing the NFL to daytime soap operas. WTF!

    To answer your question I think that MMA probably should have its own category outside of martial arts, just like football, basketball, or any other sport. I know alot of the traditional martial arts guys are really sick of the large amount of MMA idiots out there. I know alot of the traditional guys have good insight to MMA and I would miss alot of thier answers because they actually know what thier talking about. But I think some of those people would venture into the MMA section and the guys who want to stick with traditional martial could do so and not have to try and justify themselves to the Kimbo slice knuckleheads out there.

    Edit----------- Judomofo was one of the people I was talking about that I respect thier answers and if he is willing to stick it out with the rest of us MMA knuckleheads then I guess things are fine the way they are.

  6. Speaking as one of the 'traditional" guys out there let me say first i have nothing but respect for anyone who truly trains MMA, any art for that matter, because it does take commitment and discipline.

    I would not want to see MMA's moved out, because every opinion is a resource, and I feel I can gain as much from technique questions about MMA as I can about the more traditional styles.

    What I would like to see is a seperate UFC section, where all of the "rampage was robbed" "what music dod so and so come out to" " who will (insert name)'s next opponent be". Aftera  pay per view you will get anywhere from 50 to 100 questions asking the same thing, and it gets tedious sifting through them.

    I say absolutly no to anything relating to how to actually perform a technique. As for the vs questions and Bruce Lee greatest questions, we should have a special moron section.

  7. i'm with katana on this one

  8. mixed martial arts. hmmm. mistake about the wwe reference, but on the whole you're right. as a martial art in the purest sense as a spiritual way, beating each other to a pulp is not about skill, so much, as endurance. do not get me wrong, I'm sure they train as hard (maybe harder) than other true form martial arts but continuing to hit (or kick) someone on the ground until they cannot move is more a gladiator sport than any spiritual art. in a word, there is no honor. I am sure a bricklayer or a computer programer work just as hard, in their own way, to become proficient at their occupation and stand back just as proud when they gaze upon their work. I would be ashamed to say I gouged out someones eyes in a fight or kicked a man on the ground, but that's just me and my opinion.

  9. ya im with u 100 percent , i wouldnt mind seeing it alone

    or combined with the wwf, i think it needs to be out of the ma

    departement and strickly on it own . on a side not we

    need a vs. departement just as well ( ninja vs. gladiator)

  10. Not MMA per se...

    Definitely get rid of posts about TELEVISED BOUTS --

    At least move them to a separate section.

    "Martial arts" should be dedicated to practitioners, potential practitioners and people looking for information on specific disciplines; not FANS!


  11. So glad you could come along and post this...

    (Next time use the search function)

    Since you have a whopping 37 answers, you are definately a great contributer here...

    In short... NO!

    First off there isn't a completely busy section... in fact compared to many many sections we are pretty slow.

    Not really a need of seperation or subcategorizing, if so they could make a seperate section for people like you... and Bruce Lee vs... or for that matter anyone vs. anyone.... section that is much more rampant than any MMA question.

    Additionally MMA has much more to do with Martial Arts (an their practical application) then the "What style is best" questions that are littered here 5 to 6 times a day... or the "What will be best for me..."

    In fact, anyone who truly has an appreciation for Martial Arts, should highly respect MMA athletes, and the level of dedication that they have to have to be competetors in the sport, as well as all the exposure it has given Martial Arts.

    So no, I don't think there is a Need for MMA to move out of Martial Arts... I think there is a need for this question, and questioners like you to move out of Y!Answers Martial Arts.

  12. You are confused about what MMA is if you think it should go with WWE.  MMA is Mixed Martial Arts, and it is the pinnacle of combat sports, with the exception of the olympics for things like Judo, Boxing, and Wrestling. It really does belong in the martial arts section.  Also it is probably the primary reason for the growth of the Martial Arts industry as a whole.  I'm sure Karate, JuJutsu, Muay Thai and other martial arts have seen a lot of new enrollment in the past 5 years due to the Ultimate Fighter Reality Show, The UFC and MMA in general.  MMA is a huge part of the Martial Arts world and there really isn't a good reason to pull it out of the Yahoo Section, and it would be an insult to put it in a section with the WWE.

  13. I'm with you. MMA is NOT a martial art, it needs to be called pit fighting, cage fighting etc and it is a SPORT like WWE.  You have to scroll for a long time before you actually find a martial art question.

  14. I definitely think that MMA needs its own section. While Mixed Martial Arts are a part of martial arts, the fact that there is a major televised sport attached to it means that all martial artists here at yahoo answers have to deal with every fanboy question like this: "who do you think is going to win ufc showdown number 84?" "Would tito ortiz beat the shamrock in a ufc match?" These are NOT martial arts questions, these are sports fandom questions. I don't care if people want to spend time asking and answering them, but they shouldn't do it on the martial arts page.

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