
Should Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches be considered an invasion of an alen pest?

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We have oriental roaches that people who returned from Viet Nam brought back with their equipment, do we need another variety of roach?




  1. Introducing a foreign species into an environment nearly always has consequences.

    I am not sure whether you are asking if the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach should be introduced in order to displace the oriental flying roaches, which from what I read is unlikely, or whether you are asking about the apparently already accomplished act of importing them as pets.  I would consider it an invasion of an alien pest.  I don't think we need any 3 inch cockroaches.

    I hate roaches and don't think we need any more of them.

  2. Nooooo! Get RID of them! Ew.

  3. Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches can not survive most environments outside an aquarium. This is why they have not populated in the United States.

    We do have another variety of roach... some have been here quite some time and others are more recent.

    The German Cockroach is the roach that gives all others a bad name. Associate this roach with dirty apartments and restaurants.

    The Turkestan Roach is very numerous in my area and rumors to have been accidentally brought back with the troops from Desert Storm. This roach has been very good for business as it breeds faster than all but the German Roach, and usually goes ignored until the population reaches epidemic proportions.

    One type of roach sometimes will balance another, but our poor, little American Cockroach can not compete. Not that I'd shed a tear of a roach goes extinct, though.

    ...not sure if you were looking for that info, but bugs are fascinating.

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