
Should Margaret Thatcher be given a State Funeral, when she dies?

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Should Margaret Thatcher be given a State Funeral, when she dies?




  1. YES! She should be publicly cremated on a coal fire. This woman destroyed lives without having a war except a class war.

    We are still reaping the benefits of oil and gas sell offs, water privatisation and the destruction of the rail system.

    No sympathy from me for this woman.

  2. yes

  3. Good heavens NO she should not. She never did anything other than  wreck the country. Although she is not as bad as the last one we had or the present one. At least she hid nothing. She doesn't however deserve something as special as a State funeral.

  4. she should be treated the same way all PM are

  5. No.

  6. Nope, drive a stake thru her heart, and cremate immediately. Waiting til she's dead is optional

  7. I hope ur kidding

    eh no

  8. Yes Margaret Thatcher deserves full state honours on her death, she lead this country very strong, although her mistake over ordering the sinking of the 'Belgrano' during the Falklands war was a tragic decision.

  9. No. Just drop her in the sea where the belgrano sank,that would be sufficient expense for the british taxpayer.Cheaper than a state funeral and green at the same time. How apt.

                                                 As i've seen this question posted many times i'll look it up again to see the opinion overall when she departs

  10. Yes, unless she has requested otherwise.  

  11. Abso-F****n-lutely!

  12. Yes she should she was the best Prime Minister this country had since Churchill. She had bigger 'Cajones' than anyone since.  

  13. yes

    i will cry, she was such a strong lady

  14. You have to be joking!! She and her Government ruined this country; in another age they would be lucky to avoid public execution. Someone's taking  the p...

  15. No...Jonny should keep her in his bed..for safe keeping ;)

    Bless Jonny's cotton socks...hes always wanted to wreck the world...this is his big chance!

  16. Good job we have moved on they used to burn witches

  17. I'm not British but I would think yes. She was the head of your government for a long time.  

  18. Def not.  She may have been a good leader but by having a state funeral for one political party and not another is wrong. / it is also not impartial and sends out the message that one politcal view(s) / party is better or more important than the other.

  19. Yes, a lot of people will want to see evidence that she is really dead...

  20. not a chance  

  21. No too snoby

  22. No she should be flushed down the toilet like a dead goldfish.  Evil old hag made a right old mess of Wales.  She's hated round here.

  23. d**n, i thought you meant she was dead already!!

  24. Yes!

  25. I dont think so.

    how old are you big beauty

    i can only imagine that you were not bringing up a family of 5 when she was in power.

    1 day my mortgage was affordable and the next way out of my league.

    Of course she supposedly helped council house tenants to buy their homes and they all loved her for that . which of course i would have in their position.  But that now leaves us with no rentable accomodation for families now.

    and of course she helped people with business plans etc. (which left a lot of people in the quag due to lack of experience and help)

    But for me i feel the woman let us down badly simply by being a woman and the way she dealt with Pinochet or what ever his name was - scraped didnt she WHY?..and the Falkland isles

    dont lets go there.

    dont let me get started

  26. NO she should not.  

  27. No No and NO again. I can feel my blood pressure go through the roof at the very thought of it. Why should we honour a megalomaniac who single-handedly destroyed industry in this country and turned it into a service nation. She cast several millions onto the dole and ruined innumerable lives, made the rich extremely rich and tried to commit the rest of us to the gutter. She asset stripped the country to whatever foreign country could bid the highest are was on the best terms with. We are now still reaping the effects of her policies with the cost of utilities etc. She deserves a pauper's funeral to reflect the fact that she created many paupers during her reign of terror. Who comes up with these mental ideas anyway? What are they trying to achieve? Let her go without any fuss.

  28. Definitely not

  29. throw her in the pit with the rest of them

  30. no i really dont think so,because when diana died their was uproar when the powers that be said no to a state funeral.margret thatchers passing i dont think for many will trigger many tears of open greif,dont getme wrong her name will always be spoken through history ,but only for the reason of either the falklands war or the uprising against the poll tax.

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