
Should Martin Johnsons first job be the top job?

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I think that it's a big risk and a buckling to pressure.

Your views please.




  1. Well, it's not his first job - he was England captain. (and made a better job of it than Will Carling who arguably had more "power" than Johnson).

    Johnson is a dominant character, Ashton is not. Ashton may well be a superb coach, but he hasn't achieved the results that should have been achieved. I don't believe Clive Woodward could have done all he did without Johnson, and look how many Grand Slams were bombed when Johnson was not there.

    You cannot fail to recognise the mental toughness of the man. You cannot teach it, you either have it or you don't. In my view Ashton doesn't, therefore you need someone at the top who does.

    Then let the coaching team coach, and let the players explain to Johnson why they lost to Wales and Scotland.....

    One man doesn't make a team, but Martin Johnson does not contemplate failure. If he wants the job and is tough enough to outline his terms to the twits who cannot decide what they want (what they really really want) then it doesn't matter whether it is his "first job" in Rugby - he'll make the decisions and then carry them through.

    I for one am not going to argue with him (and he is a friend of my brother!)

  2. here what ya doing in this section....?

    appointing any person for their first big job is risky but i dont see many alternatives you...?

    he is either gonna make it or not but i for one will folow the big man and hope he makes it.......!

    good luck to him in what ever he decides to do....!

  3. There's  no denying Johnston's Rugby credentials, he's a success in every aspect of the game, however I dont believe he is readily experienced in the managerial side of the game.

    He needs hands on experience in that aspect of the game, starting at the lower tiers of the game.

  4. He's not charismatic enough.

  5. I really think its a bit wierd for someone's first coaching job should be head coach of a international side.

    No Doubt Johnson was a great player and leader but I'm not sure he will know enough about every position and how to deal with them.

    To be honest all I think he should be is an top rank captain.

  6. Isn't the "team managers" job usually arranging for luggage to be shifted around and booking hotels and transport? This isn't a wind up or a attempt to knock Mr Johnson..but that's the role of Team Manager in most teams.

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