
Should McCain/Palin keep their mouths shut about family values for the remainder of the campaign ?

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In light of what's happened to Palin's daughter, the pending case against her brother-in-law, and McCain's past family issues (which he has repented for), shouldn't they not even speak on the whole family values issue for the remainder of the campaign?

Won't they come off as hypocritical if they do?





  1. If he was smart - oh wait, he will keep talking about it.

  2. That's your typical politician so what's new? Frankly people need to focus on the issues. I don't care what any of these candidates are doing just as long as it's not affecting me. I only care on my level. And family values aren't the same as family issues. You can have values in light of issues. I don't know why people can't comprehend that.

  3. since her daughter is keeping the baby and getting married I do not see how that goes against family values

    Would you be happier if she actted like a liberal s**t and had an abortion?

  4. come on mr cj  ur better than this question ( although it s ok to break mean sometimes even i do it ) but just because someones family has had some difficulties doesnt mean we should stop encouraging good values  

  5. Uh-h-h-h?? Yeah!! But they won't, thank goodness. I am having so much fun watching this debacle play out.

    The McSame/Pale-in-comparison Traveling Road Show of Hypocrisy will continue to amaze and entertain all the way to November!! : D

  6. Only if Obama sends his brother a few bucks

  7. Exactly. She is against pro-choice and the Republicans think how she handles her private affairs if off limits? Abortion or the choice to be pregnant is a private matter. Family matters are private and they should keep their paws off of it. If she interferes with my personal life, I will interfere with her personal life as well.

    Oh, she thinks she can mess with other personal decisions but we can’t with hers? Is that it?

  8. No, but the left should get some. :) J/K

    But seriously, what people don't understand is that the the right keeps government out of the family - it's called small (or conservative) government. The left wants the government in every aspect of your life. They want a bigger (liberal) form of government. They want to tell us how to feel, tell us who to feel sorry for, and restrict many freedoms.

    Just do some research on liberalism and socialism, and then look up marxism. Don't vote away your rights.

  9. All politicians should shut their mouths about family values.

    Family values is family business and not politics.

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