
Should McCain consider making Biden his Secretary of State?

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After he wins the election and since they're such great friends?




  1. McCain has already announced that Biden will be his Vice President.

    (you know how he is)  

  2. NO

  3. No, he is not an Israel first Jewish senator.

  4. Why would McCain waste time considering that?  He's not going to be president, and Biden is going to be VP.  

  5. Huh?

    John McCain calls everyone "My Friend"... It doesn't really mean anything you know...

  6. That's already reserved for his former GOP convention manager that was a former lobbyist for Myanmar.

    You seem like a link kinda gal.

  7. This election is far from over, and it will only be worse for McCain when Flipflopper Romney hops aboard the Mudsling Express.  I'll answer that question at Obama's inauguration.

  8. No...there are better choices.  I'm sure someone's name is already on the desk.

  9. No need as Mr. Biden will be busy with his Vice Presidency duties. Thanks for the vote of confidence though.

  10. yes after all friends till the end   happy saturday  f.p

  11. no, mccain isn't gonna win. oops, i meant grand pa.

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