
Should McCain pick Sarah Palin Governor of Alaska as his VP?

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Young, Smart, Conservative, Business Woman, Lifetime member of the NRA, an Outsider, Worked against Corruption Even in Her Own Party,Pro-Life! Would she be a great pick for Senator McCain?




  1. She's also very pleasant to look at!

    My first pick is still MN Governor Tim Pawlenty. But, I do put Palin at a very close second.

  2. Yes.  She is certainly accomplished, and it would prove to women that the Republican party appreciates women too. They should already know that by Condi Rice and the other women in high positions, but to actually have one on the ticket would be a good move.

    It would also send the message that McCain is not a Washington "yes man" like Biden.  I'm all for it.

  3. [Worked against Corruption Even in Her Own Party] and yet was totally unaware of Ted Stevens' Bridge to nowhere or his allegedly illegal involvement with oil companies.

    [Matanuska Maid Dairy was a state-owned business. When the Alaska Dairy Board recommended closing the unprofitable business, Palin fired the board and appointed long-time Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska associates to replace the ousted boardmembers -- including influential real estate businesswoman Kristan Cole.[29] The new board quickly approved raising the price of milk offered by the dairy, in an attempt to control fiscal losses, despite the fact that milk from Washington was already offered in Alaskan stores at lower prices.[30] In the end, the dairy was forced to close, and the state tried to sell the assets to pay off its debts, but no bids were received.]

    [On July 11, 2008, Governor Palin dismissed Walter Monegan as Commissioner of Public Safety, and instead offered him a position as executive director of the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, which he subsequently turned down.[37][38] Monegan stated shortly after his dismissal that it may have been partly due to his reluctance to fire an Alaska State Trooper who had been involved in a divorce and child custody battle with Palin's sister, Molly McCann.[39] The trooper (i.e. Governor Palin's ex-brother-in-law) was briefly suspended in 2006 for threatening to kill the Governor's father, among other things.]

  4. I am not familiar with her, but I have been thinking a woman veep would be a novel choice for McCain.

    I had considered Kay Bailey Hutchison TX Senator, or another GOP female governor I read about recently whose name & state escapes me.  My absolute top choice would be Condoleeza Rice, but I understand she is pretty adamant about not accepting the nomination.

    But your suggestion sounds like another fine choice.

  5. Sarah is excellant

    Republicans know great talent   i.e Condi Rice  

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