
Should McCain use this strategy if it is apparent he will lose to Obama?

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Here are the results of four-way races in the 10 battleground states we polled:

Battleground States

Colorado (purple)

44% Obama

38% McCain

8% Barr

2% Nader

8% Not Sure/Other

Florida (red)

40% Obama

43% McCain

5% Barr

1% Nader

12% Not Sure/Other

Michigan (blue)

46% Obama

37% McCain

5% Barr

1% Nader

12% Not Sure/Other

Nevada (purple)

39% Obama

38% McCain

10% Barr

3% Nader

10% Not Sure/Other

New Hampshire (purple)

38% Obama

42% McCain

11% Barr

1% Nader

9% Not Sure/Other

New Mexico (blue)

46% Obama

37% McCain

5% Barr

1% Nader

11% Not Sure/Other

North Carolina (purple)

47% Obama

39% McCain

3% Barr

2% Nader

9% Not Sure/Other

Ohio (purple)

41% Obama

36% McCain

8% Barr

1% Nader

13% Not Sure/Other

Pennsylvania (blue)

46% Obama

37% McCain

5% Barr

3% Nader

8% Not Sure/Other

Virginia (purple)

43% Obama

41% McCain

5% Barr

1% Nader

10% Not Sure/Other

To win this election John McCain should ask all of his supporters in Colorado, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia to vote for Bob Barr because a Bob Barr victory in these states would most likely keep Obama from receiving the majority of the elctoral college votes. This would leave it up to the House of Representatives to pick the president. Since each state would only receive one vote no matter how many Representatives they have, the most likely result would be McCain winning. The Senate would have to pick the veep and the Democrats would most likely win that race. The results would be a Republican President and a Democratic Vice President.




  1. you jokeing right?.....theres no way that N.Carloina would go blue I don't know were you get you info from but you better go double check...

    you jsutn made up these poll didn't u?

  2. Its August I'm not going to get excited yet.....polls don't mean squat now.....but nobody is going to run away with this election

  3. It would create division.  Whoever he picks as his running-mate would wonder: what is the point of me being chosen if, by your own strategy, I wouldn't even become VP when you become president.  Also, the thought of two headstrong men like McCain and Biden as president and VP just doesn't sit well with me.

  4. Will never happen. To even suggest it, McCain would have Republicans jumping ship in droves... It would finally force a vote on the elimination of the electoral college also, and they couldn't chance that.

  5. That's horribly dishonest and disingenuous.  Why would you even want a candidate who would play so fast and loose with our representative system of government?  It would be the same as saying that the American people don't matter.

  6. he should try taken the high road , since the low road, Karl Rove style, isn't working.

  7. wow... look at those Barr numbers!

    that's some growth over a month ago... if he picks up 5 more percent, McCain will be in some serious trouble...

    Go Barr... Go Barr... Go Barr...

    Barr=Perot 2008?

    EDIT: oh and to answer the question... could be risky... but I don't see him taking that chance... too much pride to conceed to a third party candidate, even if it may help him overall..

  8. Now the polls mean something to the Obama supporters.  A couple of days ago polls were meaningless according to those guys.  

    All McCain would have to do to win the election is take Michigan.   If he takes Michigan he's got the office in the bag.

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