
Should Mexicans who are buying US land thank Bush for driving down the value of the dollar through war?

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A rising peso and an economy growing faster than the U.S. have given some Mexicans the buying power to take advantage of the housing slump in Texas, which the U.S. annexed in 1845 after Texans gained independence from Mexico nine years earlier.

A three-year war followed and ended with Mexico ceding about half its territory, including Arizona, Nevada and California, to the U.S. under an 1848 treaty.

Now Mexican citizens are happy that thanks to Bush, they can have a stake in territories they previously owned in the 19th Century.




  1. War didn't drive down the dollar.  Inflation did.

    And Bush is blameless for inflation.  The Federal Reserve Bank controls the monetary supply.  The Congress is the one who puts pressure on the Fed Bank to print more.

    Bush funded the war by borrowing money, not printing it.

  2. Only if they get in line behind the Americans who are facing foreclosures--due to bad policies implemented by Bush and his administration.

  3. get ready for our North American Union!

  4. US laws are driving the inflation up and up  !!!!

  5. we should of continued all the way down to panama in 1848

  6. The falling dollar is tied to Clinton's housing mess. Clinton changed the rules so extremely poor people could get sub-prime mortgages. He also made it easy to get rid of PMI insurance. He thought it was too expensive. (PMI protects lenders when homeowners don't make their payments)

    The dollar has nothing to do with the war. It has to do with the credit crunch (housing mess).

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