
Should Michael Moore Make a Documentary on GW / Al Gore lies etc?

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should al gore make a documentary about global warming and contrast with inconvenient truth and al gore w.e to the real science... ild love to see that documentary, like the one - Roger and Me..




  1. Yes and yes. He should also do a documentary on how stupid/ignorant people can be. About how we waste so much resources. Putting up DO NOT LITTER signs is littering if you ask me. How about making cars go faster than any possible speed limit in America. How about the fact that 1 beer can supposedly put you over the BAC limit, and bars have PARKING LOTS? I do not plan on having kids; no way I'd bring anyone into this lost world. I've written Moore about all this but he probably took it as a long rant -- more than likely  the same way you are interpreting this answer yourself.

  2. Better yet...he should make a documentary on the hoax that AGW isn't real. He could show all the various 'ideas' that the cult of deniers claim to disprove accredited scientific findings. Everything from the Sun getting closer,to putting CO2 in a jar to see if it gets hot.  There are even the religious fanatics that spout the 'belief' that mere humans cannot effect God's Earth!  What a crock!

  3. There would be no point.  Gore essentially got the science correct the first time around.  Moore would just agree with him.

  4. yes

  5. Are those "scientists" who deny global warming the same ones who insist that dinosaurs lived 5 thousand years ago?

  6. The movie would only be about 3 minutes long and therefore would not be so entertaining.

    It would be far more entertaining to make a movie about "The Great Global Warming Swindle".

    I would love to see that documentary, and maybe it would help the believers in 'The swindle' to understand that it is nothing more than lies and the worst type of propaganda.

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