
Should Mugabe be toppled? and how?

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Should Mugabe be toppled? and how?




  1. Lood vergiftiging of bloedlem siekte

  2. Of course he should - shoot the little despot!!! What he's doing to that country is unforgivable, they jailed Nelson Mandela for far less!

  3. I don't think so. President Mugabe is a very nice gentleman, and he even was invited to have tea with the Queen once. I do not understand why you have all suddenly changed your minds. He has always been the same with you.

  4. Make him the bi@ch of a 6ft8 Jamaican dude.

    I'm sure we'll have no trouble from him then!!

    But putting the jokes aside, I'd gladly watch him die of a slow and painful death. Not only has his mob murdered my dads grandparents (they where farmers) but also friends of ours too!

  5. yes, but not by the west, African states need to do this.

  6. Hard to say, we could try to threaten him by having his portrait removed from Robinson's jam jars, that might do the trick, what oh Bobby.

  7. No he should be left alone, to continue doing what he started from the beginning, to get all of the whites out of Zimbabwe destroy the Matabele and turn Zimbabwe into a Marxist one party state with no opposition.

    People don't understand, that this is just Africa, the beast, having defeated the white man, now turns upon itself.

    The world sat back when the Zimbabwe farmers were being dispossessed of their farms and murdered and raped by mugabe's thugs so why should anyone intervene just because a few blacks are getting banged up a bit by these same mugabe thugs that were murdering the white folks.

    Leave him alone, he is doing his god's work.

  8. The only way to save Zimbabwe is for Mugabe to be forced out and the country put under a South African mandate. No one is going to like it much but even if the Mugabe junta goes, what does the MDC inherit? A country that is bankrupt and starving? Who is going to invest in Zimbabwe now- or ever again?  

    I have often wondered whether part of Mbeki's quiet diplomacy doesn't have this as the back of mind.

  9. Get him drunk and give him a firm push...

  10. I truly can't understand how he has lasted so long, why hasn't the CIA, FBI, MI6, SAS, used a marksman on him????before now, everybody knows he is barking mad.......why has his own kept him in, if NON of them had voted years ago, he could not have possibly killed all the population off, they are reaping what they sowed......if thy can't see what a tyrant/murderer/viper he is.......well its truly up to them.

  11. Tie his ankles together and give him a good shove off a high cliff or a tall building, which you have to hand.

  12. Goodness me. I can answer a definite yes to the first part but not to "how".

    I think the surrounding countries need to make a defitine stance first of all before others get involved.

    Why oh why I was so hopeful over the last naive.

  13. Yes and in any way possible  - he is getting away with anything and the people is the ones suffering.............and voting

  14. Any other country would have assassinated him by now.

  15. Who said WMD, and oil, tons of it.

  16. he should be hung, drawn and quartered - but, hey, what can anyone do? no-one has the army, power or political head to deal with such an issue - we'd rather concern ourselves with fictional stuff like nuclear  warheads in iraq...

  17. If he is taken out it needs to be by an expendable assassin, (should questions ever be asked). A 'local' mercanary, no foreign troop involvement. A single cell, so there can be no leaks. But then again, would his removal lead to a civil war..probably, yes. Would there be weaker leaders coming through, probably...would it still be a mess for years..definitely.

  18. I really don't know why they have'nt killed this guy yet


  20. The biggest obstacle to change in Zim. are the African leaders.If and when these African leaders really want peace and prosperity for African and its people they will stand up  together to get rid of leaders who drag their country into h**l.Than on the other hand some of them are wolves in sheep skin. We would have a lot of toppling to do. From Cairo to Cape.

  21. The country should be invaded, and Mugabe tried and shot on the same day. Finished.

  22. chrome to the dome

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